Transfer-messenger RNA - Wikipedia
Transfer-messenger RNA (abbreviated tmRNA, also known as 10Sa RNA and by its genetic name SsrA) is a bacterial RNA molecule with dual tRNA -like and messenger RNA -like properties. The tmRNA forms a ribonucleoprotein complex (tmRNP) together with Small Protein B (SmpB), Elongation Factor Tu (EF-Tu), and ribosomal protein S1.
The tmRNA website - PMC
The tmRNA Website annotates several key tmRNA features. It newly includes SmpB sequences and links them to their tmRNA partners, with 2258 unique sequences occurring in 4125 instances, including 24 potentially pseudogenized/frameshifted/truncated sequences.
The tmRNA ribosome rescue system - PMC - PubMed Central …
The bacterial tmRNA quality control system monitors protein synthesis and recycles stalled translation complexes in a process termed “ribosome rescue”. During rescue, tmRNA acts first as a transfer RNA to bind stalled ribosomes, then as a messenger ...
Bifunctional transfer-messenger RNA - PMC
Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) is a bifunctional RNA that has properties of a tRNA and an mRNA. tmRNA uses these two functions to release ribosomes stalled during translation and target the nascent polypeptides for degradation.
Transfer-Messenger RNA - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Transfer messenger RNA (tmRNA) is a small bacterial RNA that has dual structural and functional similarities to both tRNA and messenger RNA (Zwieb et al., 1999). tmRNA contains structures similar to the upper half of tRNA, including a complete acceptor stem with 3′ CCA end, a T stem-loop and a degenerative D-loop (Figure 15).
Origins of tmRNA: the missing link in the birth of protein synthesis?
Sep 9, 2016 · Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) is a hybrid molecule present in all bacteria. It exhibits properties of both transfer and messenger RNA, and permits the rescue of ribosomes arrested during translation.
Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) – Definition, Structure, Properties
May 30, 2024 · Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA), also known as 10Sa or SsrA RNA, is exceptional among bifunctional RNAs in that it possesses both tRNA and mRNA characteristics. tmRNA employs these two activities to liberate translationally stalled ribosomes and to target nascent polypeptides for destruction.
The tmRNA website: reductive evolution of tmRNA in plastids …
Jan 1, 2004 · The tmRNA website was established in 1997 to facilitate research on tmRNA biology, structure, evolution and mechanism of action. It presents tmRNA sequences and alignments, color-coded to show secondary structure, together with careful documentation and other information.
Structures of tmRNA and SmpB as they transit through the …
Aug 13, 2021 · In bacteria, trans -translation is the main rescue system, freeing ribosomes stalled on defective messenger RNAs. This mechanism is driven by small protein B (SmpB) and transfer-messenger RNA...
tmRNA-mediated trans-translation as the major ribosome rescue …
Transfer messenger RNA (tmRNA; also known as 10Sa RNA or SsrA RNA) is a small RNA molecule that is conserved among bacteria. It has structural and functional similarities to tRNA: it has an upper half of the tRNA-like structure, its 5’ end is ...