Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
The BMZ coordinates the development cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany. A life in freedom and security for all people, without poverty, flight and ecological destruction - German development policy aims to get a little closer to this ideal. With over 60 partner countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe, we are shaping the future
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und …
3. Februar 2025 | „Dass sich eine neue US-Regierung erst einmal genauer ansieht, wie ihre Entwicklungspolitik bislang aufgestellt ist und Überlegungen über die weitere Ausrichtung anstellt, ist nichts Neues.Entscheidend ist, welche Schlüsse Präsident Trump aus der laufenden Überprüfung ziehen wird. Es bleibt abzuwarten, was auf die Ankündigungen tatsächlich folgt.
Ministry | BMZ
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development employs around 1,184 staff at its two offices in Bonn and Berlin. Some of the BMZ staff also work for German development policy at German foreign missions or international organisations around the world.
News | BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and …
Here you can find the latest news on German development cooperation and the BMZ: news, publications, interviews, speeches, videos as well as press contacts and materials.
Ministry | BMZ
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development employs around 1,230 staff at its two offices in Bonn and Berlin. Some of the BMZ staff also work for German development policy at German foreign missions or international organisations around the world.
Ministerium | BMZ
In dieser Rubrik finden Sie Informationen über das Ministerium, seine Leitung, seine Aufgaben, Arbeitsweise und Geschichte und über die Möglichkeit, das BMZ zu besuchen oder hier zu arbeiten.
Frequently asked questions addressed to the German …
According to some online sources, the BMZ is supposedly paying 315 million euros for bicycle paths and buses in Peru. This figure is not correct. In actual fact, the BMZ is providing a 20-million-euro grant (which was committed in 2020) to support the development of a network of bicycle highways in Lima, which is currently under construction. In 2022, the BMZ committed another 24 million euros ...
Leadership of the ministry - BMZ
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is responsible for planning and implementing the German government's development policy. Its tasks focus on the following areas: helping to shape global framework conditions, developing bilateral and multilateral promotional strategies and supporting development programmes and projects in partner countries, promoting development ...
Facts and figures | BMZ
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is responsible for planning and implementing the German government's development policy. Its tasks focus on the following areas: helping to shape global framework conditions, developing bilateral and multilateral promotional strategies and supporting development programmes and projects in partner countries, promoting development ...
Aktuelles | BMZ
Hier finden Sie Aktuelles rund um die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und das BMZ: Meldungen, Publikationen, Interviews, Reden, Videos sowie Pressekontakte und -materialien.