About Possum Fur - The Mohair and Possum Store - The Mohair & Possum …
Possum Fur Characteristics. Possum fur has very fine, hollow fibers which add to its insulation properties. Polar bears have a similar fur demonstrating how effective a hollow fibre is at …
Fur Explainer: Possum & Opossum - We Are Fur
Aug 15, 2017 · Possum fur is one of the two major products being made from this process, but one of the more innovative is possum merino, whereby the possum hairs are spun with merino …
OPOSSUM’S HAIR | Opossum Society of the United States (OSUS)
Opossum fur is layered; having dense “ground hair” or “underfur” which is white with grayish tips. The top layer consists of longer, often coarser, straight shafts of hair that stick out through the …
Everything You Need To Know About Possum Fur - Brocklehursts
Jun 4, 2024 · Possum fur is a natural product used to create luxury garments, ranging from scarves to jackets. Arguably, this material is the national fibre of New Zealand, and it has …
Pros and cons of Possum fibre - nznaturalclothingshop.co.nz
Possum fur is a low-pill and anti static which means that each garment can be worn throughout the years and still look as new as the day it was purchased. Smelly is never in. Possum fibre …
Exploring The Fascinating Coat Of Opossums: Hair Vs. Fur
Feb 3, 2024 · The answer is both - opossums have a layer of fur that covers their bodies, but they also have longer guard hairs that give them a shaggy appearance. This unique combination of …
What is Possum Merino And Why Does it Keep You So Warm?
Mar 4, 2022 · Experts believe that possum fur is one of the top 3 warmest furs in the world, beat only by the polar bear and Arctic fox. An interesting fact about all three of these animals is that …
Possum fur - Could it be the ethical fur choice? - McDonald Textiles
Possum fur is the third warmest in the world, after the polar bear and arctic fox. It’s also water-resistant, light and incredibly soft, making it much sought-after, not only on the catwalks of …
5 facts about possum fur – Buy online - Ecowool
Oct 15, 2018 · Here are our top 5 most surprising facts about possum fur: 1. Possum fur fibre has a hollow core. The only other animal with a hollow core fibre is the polar bear. Possum fibre …
Opossum World
Possum fur and Merino is strong and durable - what's more - it has added health benefits (holding its warmth and therefore assisting in blood flow). Originally introduced from Australia in the mid …