Remove unwanted ads, pop-ups & malware - Computer - Google …
Pop-up ads and new tabs that won't go away; Your Chrome homepage or search engine keeps changing without your permission; Unwanted Chrome extensions or toolbars keep coming back; Your browsing is hijacked, and redirects to unfamiliar pages or ads; Alerts about a virus or an infected device; Tips: Use Safe Browsing in Chrome; Avoid malware in ...
Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome - Computer - Google Help
When a pop-up is blocked, the address bar will be marked Pop-up blocked . You can also decide to allow pop-ups. If you still get pop-ups after disabling them: You may have previously subscribed to receive notifications from a site. You can block notifications if you don’t want any communications from a site to show up on your screen.
Bloquer ou autoriser les pop-ups dans Chrome - Google Help
Accédez à une page où les pop-ups sont bloqués. Dans la barre d'adresse, cliquez sur Fenêtre pop-up bloquée . Cliquez sur le lien correspondant au pop-up que vous voulez afficher. Pour toujours afficher les pop-ups d'un site donné, sélectionnez Toujours autoriser les pop-ups et les redirections de [site] OK.
Supprimer les annonces et les pop-ups indésirables ainsi que les ...
Des pop-ups et de nouveaux onglets s'affichent et vous ne parvenez pas à les faire disparaître. Votre page d'accueil Chrome ou votre moteur de recherche n'arrêtent pas de changer sans votre autorisation. Des extensions ou barres d'outils Chrome indésirables ne cessent de réapparaître.
Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome - Computer - Chromebook …
When a pop-up is blocked, the address bar will be marked Pop-up blocked . You can also decide to allow pop-ups. If you still get pop-ups after disabling them: You may have previously subscribed to receive notifications from a site. You can block notifications if you don’t want any communications from a site to show up on your screen.
Pop-ups in Chrome blockieren oder zulassen
Rufen Sie eine Seite auf, auf der Pop-ups blockiert werden. Klicken Sie in der Adressleiste auf „Pop-up blockiert“ . Klicken Sie auf den Link für das Pop-up, das angezeigt werden soll. Wenn Sie immer Pop-ups für die Website sehen möchten, wählen Sie aus: Pop-ups und Weiterleitungen von [Website] immer zulassen Fertig.
Memblokir atau mengizinkan pop-up di Chrome - Google Help
Mengubah setelan pop-up & pengalihan default. Di komputer Anda, buka Chrome. Di kanan atas, klik Lainnya Setelan. Klik Privasi dan keamanan Setelan Situs Pop-up dan pengalihan. Pilih opsi yang ingin dijadikan sebagai setelan default. Mengelola pop-up & pengalihan untuk situs tertentu. Tidak semua pop-up adalah iklan atau spam.
Menghapus malware, pop-up & iklan yang tidak diinginkan
Iklan pop-up dan tab baru yang tidak dapat ditutup; Halaman beranda atau mesin telusur Chrome selalu berubah tanpa izin Anda; Toolbar atau ekstensi Chrome yang tidak diinginkan terus muncul; Penjelajahan Anda dibajak dan diarahkan ke halaman atau iklan yang tidak dikenal; Peringatan tentang virus atau perangkat yang terinfeksi; Tips:
Remover pop-ups, malwares e anúncios indesejados
Os anúncios pop-up e novas guias não desaparecem. A página inicial ou o mecanismo de pesquisa do Chrome está sempre mudando sem sua permissão. Extensões ou barras de ferramentas indesejadas do Chrome não desaparecem. A navegação é invadida e redirecionada para páginas ou anúncios desconhecidos.
Remove unwanted ads, pop-ups & malware - Google Help
Turn pop-ups on or off. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome . Tap More Settings . Tap Content Settings Block Pop-ups. Turn Block Pop-ups on or off. Fix issues with pop-ups. If you're on a page with a pop-up or dialog that won't go away, try these steps: On your iPhone or iPad, turn Airplane Mode on. Close the tab with the unwanted pop-up or ...