Why Allen Iverson Is One Of The Most Overrated Players in NBA …
Dec 30, 2020 · Re: Why Allen Iverson Is One Of The Most Overrated Players in NBA History Post #2 » by celticfan42487 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:10 pm
Thinking Basketball Offensive Legends, Allen Iverson - RealGM
Aug 21, 2023 · Allen Iverson is an interesting Litmus test for analysing NBA players and, more specifically, scoring. When looking purely at his basic counting stats, he looks pretty damn amazing. Truly elite in fact.
Why Allen Iverson Is One Of The Most Overrated Players in NBA
Dec 31, 2020 · Allen Iverson holds the NBA Record for most points scored In a 7 quarter stretch of the playoffs by scoring (100) points in that span. Allen Iverson holds the NBA record for most points scored in a finals 5 game series scoring (178) points.
Did Allen Iverson start the NBA thug image? - RealGM
Prior to AI, I don't remember any NBA players who had ghetto tattoos and wore baggy thug clothing. Nowadays, it seems like organized basketball is somewhat ghetto in nature (shoes, clothing, hip-hop music), including even Asian basketball leagues. Can someone who has watched the game for a long time comment on this? Did …
How Many Points Would Allen Iverson Average In Todays League
Nov 27, 2023 · That would've put Iverson up to around 37-38ppg in today's modern NBA if his usage stayed the same. It's early in this season but look at last year's scoring leaders vs 2000-2001 Iversons MVP season.
Peak Nate Archibald or Peak Allen Iverson - RealGM
Mar 31, 2021 · This is Iverson by far He is the better player that single-handily carried his team to the Nba finals and was also more clutch in the biggest moments examples being game 1 of the 2001 finals. Unlike Nate who was nothing more than a stat padder that played on bad teams that didn't make the playoffs.
In hindsight, was Allen Iverson's 2001 MVP justified? - RealGM
Sep 23, 2021 · Iverson was the league's leading scorer while leading his team to the #1 record in the East and #2 overall (56-26). Although he had a strong defensive supporting cast he was tasked with almost single handedly carrying the offensive load through out the season. He basically played Iverson ball all the way to the NBA finals.
When did Allen Iverson's prime started & ended? - RealGM
Iverson's outside shooting was also much better in 2001 with all of those 20 footers he was hitting and his streaky 3 point shooting, though his inbetween and mid-range game in 2006 was better, though I'd say his defense was better in 2001 than 2006.
Better During Prime: Allen Iverson or Clyde Drexler? - RealGM
Iverson was the original model Westbrook, a ballhog who overdribbled, didn't pass to the open man, and it's impossible to win it all with. I enjoyed watching Iverson but he just wanted to dominate the ball and show how gritty he was while his …
Allen Iverson and shooting percentage - RealGM
One of the main arguments I've seen about Allen Iverson is that his shooting percentage leaves a lot to be desired. Looking at the pure percentage, that does seem to be the case. Today I was watching Game 1 of the 2001 NBA Finals, and Iverson had a great first half. However, his shooting percentage was low.