Sikorsky MH-53 - Wikipedia
The Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low series is a retired long-range special operations and combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter for the United States Air Force. The series was upgraded from the HH-53B/C, variants of the Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion. The HH-53 "Super Jolly Green Giant" was initially developed to replace the HH-3E "Jolly Green Giant".
Sikorsky MH-53M Pave Low IV - National Museum of the USAF
U.S. Air Force special operations forces used the Sikorsky MH-53M to covertly enter enemy territory. Capable of operating at day or night or in bad weather, these helicopters conducted long-range, low-level missions to insert, extract, and resupply special operations forces.
MH-53J Pavelow III / MH-53M Pavelow IV - American Special …
Information, specs and photos of the MH-53 PAvelow series of helicopters operated by USAF Special Operations Squadrons.
MH-53 Pave Low > Hurlburt Field > Hurlburt Field Fact Sheets
The MH-53M on display at the Air Park was manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft, Bridgeport, Conn., and delivered to the Air Force on July 2, 1970. It was a much traveled aircraft with assignments at various locations in Thailand, Germany, United Kingdom, Philippines, and South Korea.
USAF MH-53 History – The PAVE Cave
The MH-53M PAVE LOW IV was retired in September 2008 in Iraq upon flying its last mission in combat. This was the only way to retire an aircraft that had been flying in the USAF inventory since the Vietnam War in the late 1960’s.
MH-53 PAVE LOW Fact Sheet – The PAVE Cave
The MH-53M Pave Low IV is a J-model that has been modified with the Interactive Defensive Avionics System/Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal or IDAS/MATT. The system enhances present defensive capabilities of the Pave Low.
MH-53M Pave Low IV > Hill Air Force Base > Display
Sep 24, 2008 · Air Force special operations forces used the Sikorsky MH-53M to covertly enter enemy territory. Capable of operating at day or night or in bad weather, these helicopters conducted long-range, low-level missions to insert, extract, …
Sikorsky MH-53M - Pima Air & Space
The MH-53M is the last version of the H-53 Super Jolly Green Giant that was developed during the Vietnam War. The H-53 was designed by Sikorsky to meet an Air Force requirement for a long-range Combat Search and Rescue helicopter to supplement the HH-3 Jolly Green Giant.
MH-53J/M Pavelow III/IV Helicopter - USAF Special Operations
Information, specs and photos of the MH-53 PAvelow series of helicopters operated by USAF Special Operations Squadrons.
Sikorsky MH-53M Pave Low IV - Hill Aerospace Museum
Discover answers to the following questions about the MH-53M Pave Low IV. Why is it called a Pave Low? Pave Low is actually an acronym for Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment; in this case, used specifically for special operations and combat search and rescue missions.
Air Force Armament Museum Foundation
The MH-53M Pave Low IV is a modified MH-53J-model with the Interactive Defensive Avionics System/Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal or IDAS/MMAT. The system enhances present defensive capabilities of the Pave Low.
Post-Vietnam: History & Heritage of the MH-53 Pave Low
Feb 4, 2022 · The 20 th Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron used the MH-53M Pave Low IV on display at the National Museum United States Air Force before retiring the aircraft after 38 years. The aircraft aided in carrying the “command element” on the Operation Kingpin mission.
MH-53M Pave Low - Museum of Aviation
Capable of operating at day or night or in bad weather, these helicopters conducted long-range, low-level missions to insert, extract, and resupply special operations forces. The MH-53 helicopters were originally HH-53 Super Jolly Green Giants used by the U.S. Air Force in the Southeast Asia War.
Sikorsky MH-53M Pave Low IV aircraft photos - AirHistory.net
Built as a HH-53C and over the years converted to HH-53H, MH-53J and the highly capable MH-53M Pave Low IV version. Has a turbulent history including recovery of Jonestown Massacre victims in 1978, Desert Storm operations in 1991 and the first ever night landing at Buckingham Palace, in 2003 supporting the Bush visit as a 21st SOS machine from ...
MH-53M Pave Low IV prepares to step off the flight line
May 11, 2007 · The MH-53M Pave Low's mission is low-level, long-range, undetected penetration into denied areas, day or night, in adverse weather, for infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces.
MH-53M Pave Low IV - GlobalSecurity.org
The MH-53M Pave Low IV is a J-model that has been modified with the Interactive Defensive Avionics System/Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal or IDAS/MATT.
Sikorsky MH-53M Pave Low IV - Helis.com
MH-53M Pave Low IV USAF MH-53J upgraded by the Pave Low IV program. Introduced in 1998, aircraft received the IDAS/MATT (Interactive Defensive Avionics System/Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal) which provide real-time access to the total battlefield situation.
Sikorsky MH-53 (Pave Low) Multirole Transport Helicopter - Military Factory
Sep 28, 2023 · The nose-to-tail, wingtip-to-wingtip physical qualities of the Sikorsky MH-53M (Pave Low IV) Multirole Transport Helicopter.
MH-53 페이브로 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
MH-53 페이브로는 CH-53 시스탤리온을 장거리 탐색 및 구조 (CSAR) 임무용으로 개조한 헬리콥터이다.. HH-53 Super Jolly Green Giant이 개발되어서 HH-3 Jolly Green Giant를 대체하였다. HH-53은 나중에 업그레이드 되었으며, 이것이 MH-53 페이브로이다.. 미국 공군의 MH-53J/M는 2008년 9월 퇴역했다.
MH-53 Pave Low: A U.S. Military Helicopter Designed to Save Lives
Apr 17, 2023 · A front close-up view of an MH-53J helicopter of the 21st Special Operations Squadron, equipped with the new Pave Low infrared system for night operations, in-flight near the English coast.