KLT-40 reactor - Wikipedia
The KLT-40S variant is used in the Russian floating nuclear power station Akademik Lomonosov. It was developed by OKBM Afrikantov and produced by NMZ. The KLT-40S produces 150 MW thermal (about 52 MWe at 35% efficiency). It uses low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel enriched below 20%, averaging at 14.1% enrichment, and has a fuel cycle of 3 years. [3]
A Closer Look at Two Operational Small Modular Reactor Designs
Mar 11, 2024 · The KLT -40S is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) that was developed in Russia. It is an advanced version of the KLT -40 reactor, which has been used in nuclear-powered icebreakers.
The KLT-40S reactor plant design is developed in compliance with the Russian laws, regulatory rules for marine nuclear propulsion plants; safety principles elaborated by the world's nuclear community and reflected in IAEA
KLT 40S | PDF | Nuclear Fuel | Enriched Uranium - Scribd
The document describes the KLT-40S small modular reactor. Key details include: 1) It is a 300 MWth pressurized water reactor with a 70 MWe electrical output that uses low enriched uranium fuel. 2) The reactor and steam generators are connected by short nozzles in a compact four-loop configuration for efficient heat transfer.
Effect of KLT-40S Fuel Assembly Design on Burnup Characteristics …
Apr 11, 2023 · The KLT-40S is a small modular reactor developed by Russia based on the KLT-40 reactor with two fuel assembly designs: a four-ring and a five-ring. Few studies have been published on fuel assembly and power-flattening designs for the KLT-40S.
Fuel lifetime extension for the KLT-40S small modular reactor by …
Nov 1, 2023 · KLT-40S is a small modular PWR with an electric power of 35 MW (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2018). The abbreviation KLT stands for “Korabl – Likhterovoz – Transportnii (reactor)” (“Ship – Lighter-carrier ship – Marine (reactor)”).
Safety design features of the KLT-40S
Jan 25, 2025 · The KLT-40S is a modular reactor unit developed for a pilot floating nuclear cogeneration plant (PATES, in Russian), currently under construction in Severodvinsk, the Russian Federation. The KLT-40S nuclear installation belongs to …
KLT-40S, Afrikantov OKBM [11]. | Download Scientific Diagram
For these reasons, Floating Power Units (FPUs) with KLT-40S, Atomny Blochny Vodyanoy (ABV)-6M, Vodyanoi Blochnyi Energetichesky Reactor (VBER)/OKBM, RIT, and NIKA-70 reactors have been considered...
Safety design features of the KLT-40S (Miscellaneous) | ETDEWEB
Jun 15, 2009 · The KLT-40S is a modular reactor unit developed for a pilot floating nuclear cogeneration plant (PATES, in Russian), currently under construction in Severodvinsk, the Russian Federation. The KLT-40S nuclear installation belongs to …
Isolated Criticality: Russia's Floating Nuclear Power Plants, …
Nov 4, 2010 · The KLT-40S produced by NN-AEP is a pressurized water reactor (using seawater as coolant), and is a variant of the KLT-40 used on Russian nuclear icebreakers.