A Timeline of Roger's Adventure - What Questions Still Remain?
Oct 12, 2020 · 77 Years Ago (Age 0): Gol D. Roger is born in Logue Town; We know from the Data Books Roger was age 53 at the time of his execution, so he would be 77 if he were still alive. Logue Town is said to be the place where he was both born and died.
Gol D. Roger's Activities in Chronology : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Oct 18, 2017 · After the crew disbanded, Roger met with Whitebeard to discuss some details regarding the information he acquired from One Piece such as the Will of D. and then from there, he went on to form a family with Portgas D. Rouge in south bloe who was 5 months pregnant when Roger (at the age of 53) gave himself up to the Marines, and was subsequently ...
Exactly how strong is Gol D Roger? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Jun 19, 2021 · Yep. In the flashbacks shown to the audience, Roger is not in his peak and his last significant battle was possibly the God Valley incident. Nonetheless, Roger's adventures remains a mystery to everyone. We don't exactly know Roger's …
Whitebeard Vs Roger. Who's stronger? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Sep 19, 2021 · Whitebeard held the title of World's Strongest Man and was equally matched by Gol D. Roger. Mihawk holds the title of World's Strongest Swordman and it is implied that he is equal to Shanks. Kaido is recognized as the World's Strongest Creature and he himself recognizes Roger, Whitebeard, Rocks, Shanks and Oden as men who could possibly defeat him.
Gol D Roger, The Void Century, and The End of One Piece Theory
Dec 28, 2019 · So previously Im-Sama had likely told the Gorosei that Gol D. Roger needs to be killed, when he deemed him a threat, the 'light' that will reveal the 'void' century to the entire world. HOWEVER, Gol. D Roger having inherited the 'Original' strongest will, managed to still Conquer the Grandline obtaining the secret treasure 'One Piece', leaving ...
Does Gold Roger has any relation with Luffy? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Aug 17, 2022 · Well we know Gol D. Roger was the pirate king and we know that Luffy is going to become the pirate king, so the thinking person anticipates Luffy will physically transform into Gol D. Roger Reply reply
How does Brook know about Roger? The math doesn't add up
Aug 11, 2021 · Brook had stated that his crew sailed 50 years ago before they were curb stomped. But from the flash backs in the Wano arc, we see Oden meet the Roger pirates 28 years from the present, and Roger remarks that its been 12 years since he started, which adds up to Roger starting 40 years from present.
Where did Roger get the Straw Hat from? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Jan 11, 2014 · Not a theory. There is 0 evidence supporting it. Gold Roger doesn't have an eye scar and was born in Loguetown. Luffy is from Fuusha Village. Not to mention that Rayliegh would have felt it was Roger when he first met Luffy. He would have used his Haki to get a feel for Luffy and would have realized that it was the same presence as Roger.
[Manga Spoilers] Why Gol D. Roger surrendered himself ... - Reddit
Apr 26, 2016 · Rayleigh hints that both Roger and Ohara were "too hasty", which could mean a few things. Maybe they came to the wrong conclusion and Roger couldn't live long enough to use the knowledge he had the way he wanted to or "needed" to. Maybe it really did require a certain generation to come to fruition. We don't really know.
Where is Gol D. Roger's body? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
I never thought of that but that's an interesting thought, as it would be an explanation for the strawhat. However this feels a little too small a thing for a 'national treasure' of a nation that's centuries old. In the grand scheme of things Roger wasn't that important regarding the world government or the void century.