Ezyzip est-il fiable ? : r/techsupport - Reddit
J'utilise ezyzip pour convertir rar en zip. Il semble que la conversion soit effectuée localement et utilise vos propres ressources système, car lorsqu'elle est terminée et que je télécharge, elle n'affiche apparemment pas le fichier dans la barre de téléchargement ou la page de téléchargement de Chrome, et il se télécharge très rapidement (pensez à 1,4 Go en 1 minute).
Is Ezyzip reliable at all? : r/techsupport - Reddit
I use ezyzip to convert rar to zip. It seems like conversion is done locally and uses your own system resources, because when it finishes and I download, it apparently doesn't show the file in chrome's download bar or downloads page, and it downloads very fast, (think 1.4gb in 1 minute).
how to convert zip to mcpack : r/Minecraft - Reddit
I figured it out! Up near the top in File Explorer there are three dots, click that and open "options". An option user-face should open and have three tabs, open the "view" tab. Down in the advanced settings area you should look for "Hide extensions for …
Converting 7z file to iso file : r/computerhelp - Reddit
Mar 7, 2021 · I've been using a website called ezyzip to convert my .7z files to .iso files and it's been working for a while, but this time it got stuck on "processing please wait" for over 12 hours.
how do I convert a .zip to a .mcworld file : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Ok put the zip file into a new folder. Right click unzip here. Delete zip file. Close folder. Rename folder mcworld or whatever you like.
Any good (preferably free) "unzippers"? : r/Windows10 - Reddit
Dec 5, 2022 · Windows can natively open .zip files. 7-Zip is the best free and open-source archive manager. It supports a vast array of archive files and container formats.
Is 7-Zip legit and safe now? : r/techsupport - Reddit
Oct 10, 2021 · Hey everyone! My problem is that I'm a little worried about 7 zip download link is coming not from directly 7-zip.org but from d2.7-Zip.org.
.iso files turn into .7z files when downloaded : r/RetroArch - Reddit
Mar 3, 2023 · Protip: For some reason when you install the 7zip software, it sometimes isn't automatically registered as the default program to open 7z files, so double-clicking the file to open it won't immediately work.
Is 7-Zip Okay? : r/techsupport - Reddit
Sep 4, 2023 · 7-Zip is perfectly safe if obtained from the official website (https://www.7-zip.org).It's a popular utility even in corporate environments.
7z file will not unzip due to "system files" - Reddit
Feb 9, 2023 · Hi everyone! I'm trying to do some gaming with some ps3 roms. Just going to say I have the emulator knowledge of an infant.