url - open google doc by id - Stack Overflow
Feb 1, 2013 · What I am trying to do is make a copy of a template doc, the append sheet data to the new file. I am using the doc URL as the id.
How do I extract data from a doc/docx file using Python
Mar 31, 2014 · I had to do something similar with xls/xlsx files, but it was very easy since there is the openpyxl library, which allows one to do quite a few things with Excel Spreadsheets. But there seems to be less support for working with doc/docx files in Python. –
ms office - How can doc/docx files be converted to markdown or ...
May 5, 2013 · Is there a program or workflow to convert .doc or .docx files to Markdown or similar text? PS: Ideally, I would welcome the option that a specific font (e.g. consolas) in the MS Word document wil...
What is a correct MIME type for .docx, .pptx, etc.?
Feb 11, 2021 · Here is an (almost) complete file extensions's MIME in a JSON format. You can do these examples: MIME["ppt"], MIME["docx"], etc
Read .doc file with python - Stack Overflow
Nov 29, 2017 · I was trying to do the same, and I found lots of information on reading .docx but much less on .doc; Anyway, I managed to read the text using the following: import win32com.client word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") word.visible = False wb = word.Documents.Open("myfile.doc") doc = word.ActiveDocument print(doc.Range().Text)
docstring - print(__doc__) in Python 3 script - Stack Overflow
Oct 11, 2015 · it seems __doc__ is useful to provide some documentation in, say, functions. This is true. In addition to functions, documentation can also be provided in modules.
How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format …
Dec 23, 2008 · Starting with Office 365, I don't know maybe even for Word 2013 or 2016. It has Online Addin called "Code Format" . Install that Office Addin and in your word doc you can just select all code (even multiple pages) and click convert it button from the Code Format addin and it converts it into a formatted color code with line numbers.
.doc to pdf using python - Stack Overflow
I'am tasked with converting tons of .doc files to .pdf. And the only way my supervisor wants me to do this is through MSWord 2010. I know I should be able to automate this with python COM automation.
How do I render a Word document (.doc, .docx) in the browser …
Jan 15, 2015 · However, if you'd rather have native support, in most, if not all browsers, I'd recommend resaving the .doc/.docx as a PDF file Those can also be independently rendered using PDF.js by Mozilla. Edit: Huge thanks to cubeguerrero for posting the Microsoft Office 365 viewer in the comments.
Using Python, how can I read plain text from a Google Doc?
Feb 23, 2017 · More info about it from my SO answer to a similar question, but to get you going, here's the official Python "quickstart" sample showing you how to get the title of a Google Doc in plain text. Both the Apps Script and Drive REST API solutions originally answered below are still valid and are alternate ways to get the contents of a Google Doc.