Type 63A light tank - Wikipedia
The Type 63A (Chinese: 63A式; pinyin: Liùsān A shì; also known as the ZTS63A) is an amphibious light tank upgraded from the Type 63, designed for river-crossing operations at inland rivers and lakes. Its industrial designation is WZ213. The Type 63A is being replaced by the ZTD-05 amphibious assault tank.
Type 63 (tank) - Wikipedia
Chinese Type 63-I tank at the China People's Revolution Military Museum. The Norinco Type 63 (Chinese: 63式; pinyin: Liùsān shì) is a Chinese amphibious light tank. First fielded in 1963, it is in many ways similar to the earlier Soviet PT-76.
Type 63A or ZTS63A Amphibious Tank (1996)
The modernised Type 63A had a two-axis stabilised ZPL-98 mount (+22/-4° elevation) for the 105 mm (4-inches) rifled gun caracterized by its muzzle break, and replacing the 85 mm gun. This 105 mm rifled gun is shared by other models, and fires four main types of ammunition:
ZTS-63A (Type 63A) Chinese Amphibious Light Tank - United …
Type 63A has a redesigned welded turret with four smoke grenade dischargers on each side of the turret, a storage bucket in the rear of the turret, and two stowage buckets on the sides of the...
63式水陆坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
63A式水陆坦克 - 1990年代中期, 中国人民解放军 在 台海危機 期間為應付緊急备戰需求,在63式水陆两用坦克基础上进行改造以適應海上作战,1998年3月设计定型审查獲通过,正式命名为“ ZTS-63A 式水陆坦克”。 战斗全重增至20吨级,车体加长,在车首和车尾增加二个浮箱结构,以增加浮力储备,车体两侧安装屏蔽裙板。 换裝520马力新型可变功率柴油发动机,喷水推进装置亦重新设计,航速超过14千米/小时。 换装新型全 焊接 炮塔,后部附带栅栏式屏蔽;改装带有炮 …
Type 63 light amphibious tank - Chinese PLA (1963)
Chinese PLA Type 63A, equipped with the Type 63G turret, the current version of this amphibious IFV.
63式水陆坦克 - 百度百科
63a式水陆坦克(内部代号:zts-63a)是63式水陆坦克的一个大幅改进型号。 63A式水陆坦克与63式水陆坦克的底盘基本相同,安装一门新的105毫米火炮,采用计算机处理火控和一台新的发动机,据外媒报道,63A式水陆坦克装备中国陆军和海军陆战队约几百辆,并主要 ...
Type 63A - Army Guide
The Type 63A (also known as ZTS63A) is an modernised upgraded version of the Type 63 (Chinese copy of the PT-76) amphibious tank, specially designed for maritime amphibious warfare.
中国大陆坦克发展科技树(再修订版) - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
ZTS-63A两栖坦克 63A换装了搭载98式低后座105mm线膛炮和光电注入式火控的焊接炮塔,同时增加浮筒,优化外形,并改进动力装置。虽然63A相比老63式战斗力大幅提升,但它老旧的车体已经没有多少潜力可以挖掘了。
[History] Type 63 / ZTS63 Amphibious Tank | War Thunder Wiki
Dec 10, 2024 · In China, the final variant of the Type 63 used by the PLA was the upgraded Type 63A, known as the ZTS63A under the revised 1987 designation system. Developed in the mid-1990s, the ZTS63A was equipped with a two-plane gun stabilizer, a digital fire control computer, integrated commander sight with a laser rangefinder, and passive night vision.