Type 90 AFV - Wikipedia
The Type 90 is an armoured fighting vehicle produced by Chinese company Norinco; it is the successor for the Type 85 AFV of which it uses some components. The Type 90 series was developed for export, and consists of at least 10 different types; its industrial index is YW535.
ZSD-90 - Wargame Wiki
The ZSD-90 is a Chinese Infantry Fighting Vehicle that appears in Wargame: Red Dragon. ZSD-90, also known as WZ-534A, is an improved version of ZSD-89 (the chassis of ZDF-89). It replaced the original 12.7mm AAMG (Type 54) with a 25mm autocannon and a …
(深度)廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? ——从90式装甲输送车现身津巴布 …
Feb 8, 2018 · 在完成大纲规定的试验项目及武器系统定型试验后,1990年正式定型,命名为ZSD-90式履带式装甲输送车,产品代号WZ534A。 津巴布韦国防军装备的90式装甲输送车. 从外观看,90式装甲输送车最大特点,是配备了一座WA314T型车载通用小口径火炮单人炮塔。 该炮塔除装备到90式装甲输送车上外,还装备到92式轮式步兵战车和86-1式步兵战车上。 WA314T炮塔的火力核心,是一门90式25毫米车载机关炮,该炮是在国产PG87式双联装25毫米高炮的基础上改进 …
Type 89 AFV - Wikipedia
In the 1990s, a new designator system was introduced in the PLA and the Type 89 APC is nowadays known as ZSD-89. When compared to the Type 85, the Type 89 is slightly larger and heavier. The hull is made of welded steel, and provides protection against small arms fire. The vehicle carries a maximum of 15 including crew.
PLA ZSD90 APC, HobbyBoss 82473 (2012) - Scalemates
Note: Prices and availability are indications only. Also check if the product actually matches!
WZ-551 - Wikipedia
The WZ-551 is a Chinese wheeled infantry fighting vehicle family. The name WZ-551 actually covers two families of vehicles with the official designations in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) – Type 90 and Type 92. Over 3,000 WZ-551s are in service with the PLA, where they are used by medium mechanized infantry units.
Hobby Boss PLA ZSD90 APC Vehicle Model Building Kit
Chinese tracked Armored Person Personnel Carrier, standard production variant armed with a 25mm cannon and coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun.
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PLA ZSD90 APC (1/35 Scale) Plastic Military Kit - Eugene Toy
The ZBD 90 IFV is fitted with an one-man 25mm cannon turret and 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun. The 25mm gun has a full 360° traverse with an elevation of -8° ~ 55°. Ammunition load for the 25 mm gun is 400 rounds, with an additional 120 HE (high-explosive) rounds and 80 AP (Armour-Piercing) rounds carried in the turret.
中國產ZSD-90裝甲車,裝甲車輛研發中的一個探索,生不逢時的 …
Oct 29, 2019 · 近日,陸軍第82集團軍某合成旅在塞北大漠展開合成營進攻戰鬥演練,錘鍊部隊兵種指揮協調、敵情臨機處置和火力精確打擊能力。 在圖片中,有一款在解放軍中非常少見的裝備,ZSD-90式裝甲車。 目前解放軍的主要裝甲運輸車是ZSD-63,ZSD-89和ZSD-89改,其中ZSD-63年事已高,處在等待被更換的情況。 ZSD-89則是目前的主力裝備,而ZSD-89改不僅僅是解放軍的未來的裝甲運兵車,還是解放軍未來的中型通用底盤。 89改衍生出了大量特種車型. 而ZSD …
HobbyBoss 1/35 PLA ZSD90 APC Plastic Model - Michaels
We offer the HobbyBoss 1/35 PLA ZSD90 APC Plastic Model for $34.85 with free shipping available.
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