92A Training | Logistics Training Department (LTD) - United States Army
To train and develop technically and tactically competent Quartermaster Soldiers in the 92A MOS who can perform automated logistics functions at unit maintenance & supply support activities....
Aug 9, 2023 · mos 92a Only authorized when formal mandatory requirements exists such as Federal certifications, advanced degree completion, etc. that is tied to the next higher grade.
Logistics Training Department (LTD) | Quartermaster School
The Logistics Training Department leverages the Army's People First strategy to execute rigorous and relevant training and problem-solving scenarios for MOS 92A Automated Logistical Specialist...
Automated Logistical Specialist | U.S. Army - goarmy.com
In this job, you’ll perform maintenance management and warehouse functions to maintain equipment records, inventory, material control, accounting and supply reports.
Jul 13, 2022 · 92A Talent Development Model . Years of Service (0-4 TIS) (4-8 TIS) (8-12 TIS) (12-18 TIS) (18-22 TIS) (22+ TIS) (22+ TIS) Key Leadership . Position . MQ rating and highly numerated ranking . DLC 5. Military/Civilian . Education . Associate. Key . Development ; Group Leader. Broadening . Opportunities ...
MOS 92A Automated Logistical Specialist - ArmyWriter.com
92A Automated Logistical Specialist (CMF 92) Major Duties. The automated logistical specialist supervises and performs management or stock record/warehouse functions pertaining to receipt, storage, distribution and issue and maintains equipment records and …
We will move from a supply-based system that relies on logistics mass, to a system which relies more heavily on information supremacy and distribution agility and exploits improvements in logistics...
MOS 92A—Automated Logistical Specialist - Army Portal
Feb 21, 2011 · Automated Logistical Specialist (MOS 92A) duty description, required ASVAB score and security clearance, physical requirements, and available enlistment bonus are provided.
This publication is for skill levels (SLs) 3 and 4 Soldiers holding military occupational specialty (MOS) 92A. It contains standardized training objectives, in the form of task summaries that you can use to train and evaluate yourself on critical tasks that support unit missions during peacetime/wartime.
CMF 92 Supply/Logistics Duty Descriptions - ArmyWriter.com
MOS 92A Automated Logistical Specialist; MOS 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist; MOS 92G Food Operations; MOS 92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist; MOS 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist; MOS 92R Parachute Rigger; MOS 92S Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair; MOS 92W Water Treatment Specialist; MOS 92Y Unit Supply Specialist; MOS 92Z Senior ...