Subduction - Wikipedia
A region where this process occurs is known as a subduction zone, and its surface expression is known as an arc-trench complex. The process of subduction has created most of the Earth's continental crust. [1] Rates of subduction are typically measured in centimeters per year, with rates of convergence as high as 11 cm/year. [2]
Définition | Subduction - Zone de subduction - Futura
Oct 15, 2023 · Les zones de subduction sont ce que l'on appelle des marges actives. Elles représentent des limites de plaques tectoniques convergentes et se caractérisent par la plongée d'une plaque...
Subduction — Wikipédia
Les zones de subduction sont le lieu où se produisent les séismes les plus violents (par exemple le séisme du sud Chili de 1960, de magnitude 9,5 4, qui fut le séisme le plus violent survenu depuis un siècle). Il peut s'y produire deux types de séismes :
Zones de subduction : les mécanismes de leur naissance ... - Futura
Nov 2, 2021 · Les zones de subductions représentent les endroits où une plaque plonge sous une autre plaque. Il y a actuellement de nombreuses zones de subduction en activité, certaines étant...
Subduction zone | Plate Tectonics, Oceanic Crust & Volcanism
subduction zone, oceanic trench area marginal to a continent in which, according to the theory of plate tectonics, older and denser seafloor underthrusts the continental mass, dragging downward into the Earth’s upper mantle the accumulated trench sediments.
What is a subduction zone? - Live Science
Sep 6, 2022 · A subduction zone is a collision between two of Earth's tectonic plates, where one plate sinks into the mantle underneath the other plate.
Introduction to Subduction Zones: Amazing Events in Subduction Zones …
Sep 7, 2020 · The Earth’s many tectonic plates can be thousands of miles across and underlie both continents and oceans. These plates collide, slide past, and move apart from each other. Where they collide and one plate is thrust beneath another (a subduction zone), the most powerful earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and landslides occur.
Convergent Plate Boundaries—Subduction Zones - Geology (U.S.
The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Southern Alaska are the sites of ongoing subduction as the Pacific and Juan de Fuca plates slide beneath the North American Plate.
What's a Subduction Zone? Everyone in the Pacific NW Should …
Mar 11, 2025 · Cascadia Subduction Zone: Off the Pacific Northwest coast in Oregon, Washington and Northern California, this is one of the most well-known subduction zones in the U.S.The Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. It has the potential to trigger a megathrust earthquake.; Aleutian Subduction Zone: Extending along the southern coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands ...
Zone de subduction : définition et processus géologique
Nov 16, 2023 · Qu’est-ce qu’une zone de subduction ? Une zone de subduction est une zone de la lithosphère terrestre où une plaque tectonique plonge sous une autre plaque en subduction. C’est un processus géologique majeur responsable de nombreux phénomènes, tels que les tremblements de terre, les éruptions volcaniques et la formation de chaînes ...