Zombie Spores - Oxygen Not Included Wiki
The Zombie Spores is a disease caused by Sporechid pollen. The Sporechid plant in Oil Biome spreads the Zombie Spores germ in nearby gases. It is transmitted through inhalation or contact with an infected Duplicant. It causes -10 to all attributes for 18 cycles.
Zombie Spores - The Oxygen Not Included Wiki
U37-483944: Radiation now kills Food Poisoning, Slimelung, and Zombie Spores germs. The Zombie Spores is a disease caused by Sporechid pollen.
What is the best way to deal with zombie spores? - Reddit
So the proper way to deal with zombie spores is to ignore them, since you have to make an extraordinary effort to actually get a dupe infected, simple negligence (such as running without an atmosuit through spore infected areas) won't do the trick.
Zombie Oni | Ao Oni Wiki | Fandom
Zombie Oni (ゾンビ鬼 Zombie Oni) is a boss Ao Oni found in Ao Oni 3. It is the first boss in the game, found at the end of the abandoned hospital. Zombie Oni shares the same head as Ao Oni's, but with a blind eye, jaw open and a massive wound on …
Sporechid - The Oxygen Not Included Wiki
They are found in the Oil Biome and emit Zombie Spores (1000 each second). They can be uprooted and replanted, and have a Decor value of 80. The zombie spores cannot survive in most gasses and solids that can usually be found in bases, except for Carbon-based materials. They serve as a disincentive to work with Crude Oil without Atmo Suits.
What’s the best way to deal with a zombie spores
Feb 16, 2023 · Dig out pocket with zombie spore. If there are CO2 in the pocket, move slicksters there. Let chlorine kill zombie spores.
Dealing with Zombie Spores : r/Oxygennotincluded - Reddit
Zombie spores are only dangerous if they can spread to oxygen, and then a dupe breathes them in. And in the unlikely event that a dupe becomes infected, place them on an immediate downtime-and-sleep only schedule.
Zombie spores options - Klei Entertainment Forums
Oct 5, 2020 · Zombie spores are extremely hardy. They don't die in anything but chlorine and they have an extremely large temperature range. You could pump any gas or liquid infected with zombie spores in to a reservoir in a chlorine atmosphere.
Zombie Spores > Oxygen Not Included Database - oni-db.com
A complete material, item, creature handbook and crafting guide for Oxygen Not Included. Learn how to obtain or transform a specific material. Find relations between elements, information and attributes. Explore all the Oni element, building, plant, seed, critter, egg and food.
Is crude oil with zombie spores going to be dangerous? If not
Apr 19, 2022 · Zombie spores are harmless in crude oil. It's only dangerous in CO2. As long as you dig out the sporechid first (e.g. from the bottom) it won't contaminate anything that can harm your dupes. And the ones in crude oil will dilute down and disappear over time.