Type 08 - Wikipedia
ZTL-11 (Type 11) assault gun Armed with a 105 mm rifled gun, coaxial machine gun and 12.7 mm anti-air machine gun, the Assault gun is based on the IFV chassis and can provide direct fire support for infantry battalions and engage enemy light vehicles and stationary targets such as …
ZLT11 | War Thunder Wiki
The ZLT11, or by its more well-known pre-2012 codename "ZTL11"* (Simplified Chinese: ZLT11式105毫米轮式突击炮; lit. wheeled assault gun), is the Chinese equivalent to MGS units in US Army service and now being used as the quick response vehicle of PLAGF heavy composite mechanized brigades or PLANMC's amphibious brigades.
11式105毫米轮式突击车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZLT-11式105毫米轮式突击炮[註 1] 是中国自主研制的装甲战斗车辆,装备 中国人民解放軍陆军 轻装机械化步兵部队,主武器為一门105毫米线膛坦克炮。 [1] 是中国陆军快速反应力量的主要突击装备。 11式轮式装甲突击车在2015年纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年阅兵式首次公开亮相。 21世紀後輪式裝甲车辆车族化成為未來陸軍信息化、轻型机械化转型的趨勢,因應全球 工業化 潮流,未來戰場上有 道路 建設的場景將增多,低烈度戰爭與反恐戰爭情景常見。 例如美軍「斯崔 …
NORINCO ZTL-11 (Type 11) 8x8 Wheeled Assault Gun - Military Factory
May 19, 2020 · The NORINCO "ZTL-11" is an 8x8 wheeled / self-propelled "assault gun" with an in-built amphibious capability. It is used by Chinese Army and Marine forces and is a direct variant of the ZBL-08 / Type 08 8x8 wheeled modular Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) family.
ZTL-11/Type 11 fire support vehicle (2009) - tank-afv.com
Used by Chinese marines, it is the only fuly amphibious support fire vehicle of its kind, prominently shown in amphibious exercizes and on the frontline for the invasion of Taiwan.
ZTL-11 8x8 105mm Mobile Gun System - GlobalSecurity.org
ZTL-11 is the second wheeled assault gun equipped China's army. Compared with the previous PTL-02, except that the 105mm gun was used instead of the 100mm-gun, and the chassis was changed from 6...
ZLT11 - War Thunder Wiki
The ZLT-11 armoured combat vehicle is one of the vehicles, based on the modern Type 08 modular 8x8 wheeled chassis, currently in service with the People's Liberation Army of China. The vehicle replaced the six-wheeled PTL02, significantly surpassing it in terms of tactical and technical characteristics.
New ZTL-11 105mm 8x8 assault gun armored vehicle in service …
May 17, 2020 · The ZTL-11 is a new generation of assault gun produced in China army after the PTL-02 that entered in service with the Chinese army in 2002. The vehicle was designed to provide a fire support vehicle with high mobility and firepower based on Type 08 8x8 wheeled armored chassis.
11式105毫米輪式突擊車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
ZLT-11式105毫米輪式突擊炮[註 1] 是中國自主研製的裝甲戰鬥車輛,裝備 中國人民解放軍陸軍 輕裝機械化步兵部隊,主武器為一門105毫米線膛坦克炮。 [1] 是中國陸軍快速反應力量的主要突擊裝備。 11式輪式裝甲突擊車在2015年紀念中國人民抗日戰爭勝利70周年閱兵式首次公開亮相。 21世紀後輪式裝甲車輛車族化成為未來陸軍信息化、輕型機械化轉型的趨勢,因應全球 工業化 潮流,未來戰場上有 道路 建設的場景將增多,低烈度戰爭與反恐戰爭情景常見。 例如美軍「斯崔 …
[Development] ZLT-11: Rolling Punishment - News - War Thunder
Oct 11, 2021 · The ZLT-11 is an infantry fire support vehicle and a direct successor to the PTL02. In War Thunder, the new Chinese top-tier light tank will also be a further development of PTL02, offering improved characteristics compared to its predecessor.