Zilog Z280 - Wikipedia
The Zilog Z280 is a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Zilog as an enhancement of the Zilog Z80 architecture and integrating improvements from the abandoned Zilog Z800 project. First …
wwarthen/CPU280: CPU280 System Software - GitHub
The Z280 CPU was a significant successor to the populate Zilog Z80 CPU. However, the Z280 was never incorporated into any commercially producted computer. The CPU280 System …
Plasmode's ZZ80MB Packs a Zilog Z280, Offers 'Self Programming ...
Pseudonymous retired hardware engineer Plasmode has released a vintage-style single-board computer built around Zilog's unusual 16-bit Z280 chip — and, unlike his earlier designs, the …
Z280™ MPU Microprocessor Unit Technical Manual - GitHub
This repository contains a transcript of the Z280™ MPU Microprocessor Unit Preliminary Technical Manual book, published by Zilog in July 1987.
CPU280 discussion and information thread. - Vintage Computer …
Jan 16, 2014 · The CPU280 is based on the Zilog Z280 CPU at 12.288 MHz with up to 4MB of RAM on board, on-board floppy controller, two serial ports, boot-from-EPROM (a pair of them), …
This Z80 Computer Bootstraps Itself - Hackaday
Oct 29, 2020 · The Z280 was a special variant of a Z80 that could bootstrap itself with no external PROM, making it ideal for anyone trying to build a system on a breadboard.
• A ZILOG Z280 CPU forms the heart • Hardware Setup Data configurable • FDC 37 C 65 Multimode Floppy Controller • 2 serial RS-232 Com-Ports • General Purpose I/O (GPIO) • ZIP …
Zilog Z280 - IT History Society
The Zilog Z280 was an enhancement of the Zilog Z80 architecture introduced in July 1987, basically a slightly improved CMOS version of the earlier NMOS Zilog Z800, both versions …
Zilog Z280 from FOLDOC
Oct 31, 1994 · Zilog Z280. An enhanced version of the Zilog Z80 with a 16 bit architecture, introduced in July, 1987. It added an MMU to expand addressing to 16Mb, features for …
Z80/Z180/Z280 Macro Assembler for CP/M, UZI180 and RSX180
ZSM 4.6 is a macro-assembler for the Z80, Z180 and Z280 microprocessors. It uses standard Zilog/Mostek mnemonics, supports conditional assembly and produces a REL file suitable for …