Russia / USSR 57 mm/81 (2.24") ZIF-71 and ZIF-75 - NavWeaps
Jan 19, 2017 · Two 57 mm/81 ZIF-75 Quad Mounts on unidentified Kanin class missile destroyer in 1983. U.S. Navy Photograph No. DN-ST-84-01633. This weapon was developed from the …
AK-257 - Wikipedia
The AK-257 is a Soviet 57mm naval gun, originally a land ZIF-31 L/70 57mm (Type 66/76) cannon. During the early 1950s, development began of naval versions of the 57x348mmSR 70 …
Russia / USSR 57 mm/75 (2.24") AK-725 (ZIF-72) - NavWeaps
Oct 30, 2016 · The AK-725 had twin water cooled ZIF-74 barrels, which were modified to use belt ammunition, thus allowing for longer firing periods before reloading. Compared to the ZIF-71, …
Classe Kanin - Wikipedia
La classe Gnevnyj o Progetto 57, secondo la classificazione sovietica, era costituita da 8 unità fu la prima classe di cacciatorpediniere concepiti come unità missilistiche nella Marina Sovietica. …
Naval Guns of Russia/USSR - NavWeaps
Oct 11, 2020 · 57 mm/81 ZIF-71 and ZIF-75. Modified Skoryy, Kildin and Krupny Classes. 57 mm/78.7 SM-24-ZIF and ZIF-31. Submarines, Skoryy, Kanin and Kildin Classes. 57 mm (6 …
苏联ЗИФ-75四联57毫米高炮 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少 …
A new photo of the 57mm Zif-75 quadmount. Slowly gathering a ... - Reddit
Jan 13, 2023 · A 45mm SM-20-ZIF mount. I'm putting together a post on the quadruple 45mm and 57mm weapons. Any pictures would be most helpful!
57mm/75 ZiF-75 - Shipbucket Wiki
Development started in 1954 and it designated ZiF-75 when the prototype was produced in 1956 and it was in service from 1960 onwards. The mounting was never very succesful and even …
57-мм счетверенное универсальное орудие ЗИФ-75
Установка ЗИФ-75 была принята на вооружение приказом МО СССР № 00179 от 19.12.1960 г. У артустановки ЗИФ-75 четыре ствола помещены в одной люльке, состоящей из двух …
ZIF-71 e ZIF-75 - coldwar.forumcommunity.net
Un totale di 54 ZIF-75 sono stati costruiti. Queste armi hanno avuto notevoli problemi operativi, la maggior parte legata al fatto che erano in supporti aperto, che ha causato problemi per le navi …
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