45mm SM-20-ZIF - Weaponsystems.net
The 45mm SM-20-ZIF is an early Cold War era Soviet naval anti-aircraft gun. These quadruple 45mm guns were designed to provide a greater range and firepower than World War 2 era …
45 mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K) - Wikipedia
The 45 mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K) was a Soviet design adapted from the 45 mm anti-tank gun M1932 (19-K). This was a copy of a 3.7 cm (1.5 in) German weapon designed by Rheinmetall …
苏联СМ-20-ЗИФ四联45毫米高炮 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰 …
СМ-20-ЗИФ四联45毫米高炮是为解决苏联海军舰艇防空薄弱问题而提出研制,其最初打算配备给24型战列舰和82型巡洋舰等新一代大型军舰,在50年代初期服役时首先装备了56型驱逐 …
Russia / USSR 45 mm/78 (1.77") SM-7 - NavWeaps
In 1952 a ZIF-68 quad mount was started to replace the B-11 mounts on the Pr. 68 light cruisers. In 1954 the mount was tested and by 1955 thirty mounts were built.
45 mm/89 SM-21-ZIF (45 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 45mm/89 SM-21-ZIF is a postwar Soviet 45 mm naval autocannon mounting. It uses the same cannon as the SM-20-ZIF mount, but in a single mount rather than a quadruple mount. …
SM-20-ZIF 45毫米高射炮,曾经的苏联战舰近防火力 - 知乎
Jul 15, 2023 · SM-20-ZIF是一种4联装的防空火炮系统,它有一座大型的炮塔,炮塔整体重量将近10吨,只在部分区域有装甲防护,正面装甲有10毫米厚,侧面为8毫米厚,顶部和尾部为开放 …
45mm SM-21-ZIF - Weaponsystems.net
45mm SM-20-ZIF. The SM-21-ZIF uses the same barrel and ammunition as the much larger quad 45mm SM-20-ZIF gun mount. Its larger counterpart also had external control via radar, …
45 mm/89 SM-20-ZIF (45 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 45 mm/89 SM-20-ZIF weapon system is a unique multi-purpose system mounted on the Spokoinyy and Neustrashimy Cold War destroyers. It is essentially the up-calibred equivalent …
DL Series (ZIF) Connectors - ITT Cannon | DigiKey - Digi-Key …
Jun 29, 2012 · ITT Cannon's DL series of Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) connectors fill the need in the medical, commercial/industrial, computer, and peripheral equipment market places for low …
SM-20-ZIF 45毫米高射炮,曾经的苏联战舰近防火力 - 百家号
SM-20-ZIF是一种4联装的防空火炮系统,它有一座大型的炮塔,炮塔整体重量将近10吨,只在部分区域有装甲防护,正面装甲有10毫米厚,侧面为8毫米厚,顶部和尾部为开放式。 45毫米高射 …