45mm SM-20-ZIF - Weaponsystems.net
The 45mm SM-20-ZIF is an early Cold War era Soviet naval anti-aircraft gun. These quadruple 45mm guns were designed to provide a greater range and firepower than World War 2 era Soviet anti-aircraft guns.
45 mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K) - Wikipedia
The 45 mm anti-aircraft gun (21-K) was a Soviet design adapted from the 45 mm anti-tank gun M1932 (19-K). This was a copy of a 3.7 cm (1.5 in) German weapon designed by Rheinmetall that was sold to the Soviets before Hitler came to power in 1933 that had been enlarged to 45 mm (1.8 in) to reuse a large stock of old 47mm ammunition.
苏联СМ-20-ЗИФ四联45毫米高炮 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰 …
Russia / USSR 45 mm/78 (1.77") SM-7 - NavWeaps
In 1952 a ZIF-68 quad mount was started to replace the B-11 mounts on the Pr. 68 light cruisers. In 1954 the mount was tested and by 1955 thirty mounts were built.
45 mm/89 SM-21-ZIF (45 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 45mm/89 SM-21-ZIF is a postwar Soviet 45 mm naval autocannon mounting. It uses the same cannon as the SM-20-ZIF mount, but in a single mount rather than a quadruple mount. The simplest comparison to make is with the Swedish 40 mm Bofors gun: a hard-hitting, high velocity autocannon with a mediocre rate of fire.
SM-20-ZIF 45毫米高射炮,曾经的苏联战舰近防火力 - 知乎
Jul 15, 2023 · SM-20-ZIF是一种4联装的防空火炮系统,它有一座大型的炮塔,炮塔整体重量将近10吨,只在部分区域有装甲防护,正面装甲有10毫米厚,侧面为8毫米厚,顶部和尾部为开放式。 45毫米高射炮拥有一根3.5米长的炮管,炮口安装了喇叭状消焰器,它能发射穿甲弹和 破片弹,弹药初速度1080米/秒, 对空射击 最大打击高度5000米,对地射击最大射程9000米。 4门高射炮理射速在540~640发/分钟,炮管俯仰角度在-13°~85°,炮塔依靠电机水平旋转,每秒转动30°。 尽 …
45mm SM-21-ZIF - Weaponsystems.net
45mm SM-20-ZIF. The SM-21-ZIF uses the same barrel and ammunition as the much larger quad 45mm SM-20-ZIF gun mount. Its larger counterpart also had external control via radar, whereas the single barre SM-21-ZIF is local control only.
45 mm/89 SM-20-ZIF (45 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 45 mm/89 SM-20-ZIF weapon system is a unique multi-purpose system mounted on the Spokoinyy and Neustrashimy Cold War destroyers. It is essentially the up-calibred equivalent to the 40 mm Bofors autocannon seen in the vast majority of American vessels and modern German vessels and the 2pdr QF autocannons mounted on British vessels.
DL Series (ZIF) Connectors - ITT Cannon | DigiKey - Digi-Key …
Jun 29, 2012 · ITT Cannon's DL series of Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) connectors fill the need in the medical, commercial/industrial, computer, and peripheral equipment market places for low-cost, high-performance multiple-wire power and signal connectors.
SM-20-ZIF 45毫米高射炮,曾经的苏联战舰近防火力 - 百家号
SM-20-ZIF是一种4联装的防空火炮系统,它有一座大型的炮塔,炮塔整体重量将近10吨,只在部分区域有装甲防护,正面装甲有10毫米厚,侧面为8毫米厚,顶部和尾部为开放式。 45毫米高射炮拥有一根3.5米长的炮管,炮口安装了喇叭状消焰器,它能发射穿甲弹和破片弹,弹药初速度1080米/秒,对空射击最大打击高度5000米,对地射击最大射程9000米。 4门高射炮理射速在540~640发/分钟,炮管俯仰角度在-13°~85°,炮塔依靠电机水平旋转,每秒转动30°。 尽管火炮采用自动 …