Latvian signs, swastikas, and mittens
The Ugunskrusts (or Pērkonkrusts, thunder-cross), swastika, is one of the most ancient and widely disseminated Latvian sign elements, in continual use up to today, despite its 20th century association with fascism, Hitler, and the Holocaust.
Zalktis (The sign and grass snake) - Brigita Ektermane's Signs of Power
Aug 20, 2019 · Going by the old Latvian name “misiņausis” (lit. diminutive “brass-ears”) or the modern name “zalktis” the grass snake is the longest snake found in Latvia (1 – 1,5 m). It is characterised by a grey or blue-ish black colour and yellow-orange “ears”. It is non-venomous.
Zalktis Latvian symbol - Worldwide Ancient Symbols
Latvians continue to use these ancient symbols in everyday life to ward off evil spirits and to seek protection from ancient gods. An ancient symbol, Zalktis is representative of a serpent goddess. Zalktis is associated with general health and well-being.
Zalkša zīme - ZILAISKALNS
The Sign of Zalktis (Serpent) – This sign, found on women’s apparel and jewelry, represents the ancient serpent cult. In Latvian mythology the harmless snake Zalktis was the guardian of wealth and well-being and therefore had to be protected and cared for.
3000 BC Zalktis (Snake) Sign - Latvia, Europe – The S Thing
Dec 22, 2022 · As a sign of life and renewal, it symbolizes the pulsation of sexual energy, its cyclic state change between passivity and activity. Looking at its shape, the Zaltis sign can also be perceived as two intertwined spirals, similar to the DNA double helix and symbolizing hereditary code.
Symbols - Baltic Crossroads
The Sign of Zalktis (Serpent) - This sign, found on women’s apparel and jewelry, represents the ancient serpent cult. In Latvian mythology the harmless snake Zalktis was the guardian of wealth and well-being and therefore had to be protected and cared for.
Zalkša zīme — Vikipēdija
Zalktis saistīts ar veļu pasauli, ar mirušo ļaužu dvēselēm. Zalktis tiek uzskatīts par svētu un sargājamu dzīvnieku. Kas noķerot sarkano vai balto zalkti, izvārot un apēdot, tas varot redzēt mūsu nomirušos senčus un saprast viņu valodu.
Latvian Symbols - Latvian Meanings - Latvian Vectors
Zalktis – Grass snake. An ancient symbol, Zalktis is representative of a serpent goddess. An ancient deity, she is considered a grandmother goddess in folklore. Her powers life in healing, both physical and mental and in her wisdom. Zalktis …
Zalktis - gudrībai - Zīmju apraksts - latvjuziepes
Zalktis simbolizē gudrību un zintniecību, tas ir svēts dzīvnieks, kam pieejam visa gudrība. Tiek uzskatīts, ka visspēcīgākais ir baltais zalktis. Zalkša zīmi mēdz pieskaitīt Māras zīmju grupai, jo Māra mēdzot iemiesoties čūskā.
5 Popular Baltic Pagan Symbols and Their Meanings Explained
Sep 1, 2024 · The Grass Snake (žaltys in Lithuanian, zalktis in Latvian) is a Baltic symbol of renewal, fertility and wealth. Harmless grass snake was regarded as a sacred animal of the sun goddess and highly respected.