Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring …
Zabbix is an enterprise-class, open-source monitoring solution that makes network and application monitoring simple.
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Zabbix is being downloaded over 4 000 000 times every year for a reason. Download and install Zabbix for free and try it yourself!
Zabbix可为全球客户提供企业级监控和支持,目前合作网络包含全球250多家合作伙伴和多家外部供应商 与您正在使用的系统集成 从大量官方现成的模板中进行选择,将您的Zabbix安装与告警、工单、LoT物联网和ITSM系统集成
About Zabbix LLC
Zabbix is an enterprise-class, open-source distributed monitoring solution designed to monitor and track the performance and availability of network servers, devices, services, and other IT resources.
Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring …
Zabbix es una solución de clase empresarial de monitoreo de código abierto que simplifica el monitoreo de redes y aplicaciones.
Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring …
Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento open source que simplifica monitorar redes e aplicações.
Zabbix Blog - Monitor the latest Zabbix news and information
Feb 27, 2025 · Zabbix is dedicated to monitoring IT infrastructures based on predetermined thresholds, such as servers, networks, and applications. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into Zabbix as a complement allows a user to mitigate alerts based on these predetermined thresholds, offering possible causes and solutions to problems.
Zabbix 使用手册
欢迎查阅Zabbix用户使用手册。 Zabbix产品手册由原厂Zabbix技术团队创建、Zabbix中国——上海宏时数据系统有限公司 组织开源社区志愿者翻译并维护。 希望能帮助用户更好地使用Zabbix,解决和管理日常IT运维监控遇到的各种问题。
Solutions for different industries - Zabbix
Zabbix provides ready-to-use solutions for any kind of IT infrastructure, services, applications, cloud resources, etc
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