Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring …
Zabbix is an enterprise-class, open-source monitoring solution that makes network and application monitoring simple.
Download and install Zabbix
Zabbix is being downloaded over 4 000 000 times every year for a reason. Download and install Zabbix for free and try it yourself!
Zabbix 使用手册
欢迎查阅Zabbix用户使用手册。 Zabbix产品手册由原厂Zabbix技术团队创建、Zabbix中国——上海宏时数据系统有限公司 组织开源社区志愿者翻译并维护。 希望能帮助用户更好地使用Zabbix,解决和管理日常IT运维监控遇到的各种问题。
Zabbix features overview
Leverage Zabbix discovery features to improve the observability of your cloud environment; Automatically discover and start monitoring your cloud entities and components; Represent your cloud infrastructure in a single pane of glass view with Zabbix maps and dashboards; Zabbix provides out-of-the-box templates for the most popular cloud vendors:
2 What is Zabbix
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is a software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers, virtual machines, applications, services, databases, websites, the cloud and more.
Descargar Zabbix
Zabbix se descarga más de 4.000.000 de veces al año por una razón. Descarga Zabbix gratis y pruébalo tú mismo!
Documentation - Zabbix
Zabbix official manuals provide detailed information about how to install, configure, and run Zabbix.
Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring …
Zabbix Manual
Zabbix Manual Welcome to the user manual for Zabbix software. These pages are created to help users successfully manage their monitoring tasks with Zabbix, from the simple to the more complex ones.