ypbind(8): NIS binding process - Linux man page - Linux …
ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normaly the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or read the binding files.
ypbind Daemon - IBM
Enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server. /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind [ -s-ypset-ypsetme ] The ypbind daemon binds, or connects, processes on a Network Information Services (NIS) client to services on an NIS server.
ypbind: NIS binding process - Linux Manuals (8) - SysTutorials
ypbind will try at first /etc/hosts and then DNS for resolving the hosts names from /etc/yp.conf. If ypbind couldn't reconfigure the search order, it will use only DNS. If DNS isn't available, you could only use IP-addresses in /etc/hosts. ypbind could only reconfigure the search order with glibc 2.x.
7.239. ypbind | Red Hat Product Documentation
The ypbind packages provide the ypbind daemon to bind NIS clients to an NIS domain. The ypbind daemon must be running on any machines that run NIS client programs. Previously, the localhost was not treated specifically in the domains list of the ypbind program.
ypbind: NIS binding process | ypbind System Administration
ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normally the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or read the binding files. The binding files resides in the directory /var/yp/binding and are conventionally named [domainname]. [version].
GitHub - thkukuk/ypbind-mt: Multithreaded daemon maintaining …
ypbind-mt is a complete new implementation of a NIS binding daemon for Linux. It has the following features: * Supports ypbind protocol V1, V2, V3. * IPv6 support (needs TI-RPC and libnsl!
ypbind (8) — ypbind
ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normally the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or read the binding files. The binding files resides in the directory /var/yp/binding and are conventionally named [domainname]. [version].
ypbind - NIS binding process - Ubuntu Manpage Repository
ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normally. the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or read the. binding files. The binding files resides in the directory /var/yp/binding and are conventionally named. [domainname].[version].
How to Setup and Configure YPServ Linux NIS Server and Client
Nov 30, 2011 · 8. Start the ypbind on Client. ypbind is a NIS binding program. This searches for a NIS server for your NIS domain and maintains NIS binding information. Make sure ypbind is up and running on the NIS client server. Most Linux distributions has ypbind installed already. If it is not running, start it. # ps -ef | grep ypbind # service ypbind start
ypbind - Unix, Linux Command - Online Tutorials Library
ypbind finds the server for NIS domains and maintains the NIS binding information. The client (normaly the NIS routines in the standard C library) could get the information over RPC from ypbind or read the binding files.