Yemọja - Wikipedia
Yemọja (also: Yemaja, Yemanjá, Yemoyá, Yemayá; there are many different transliterations in other languages) is the major water spirit from the Yoruba religion. [1] She is the mother of all Orishas. She is also the mother of humanity.
Yemaja - Mythopedia
Apr 26, 2023 · Yemaja is the mother of the oriṣas (gods) and the Yoruba goddess of fertility, birth, and motherhood. She is also a water goddess, serving as the source of all oceans, rivers, and lakes.
Yemonja | Yoruban Goddess of Rivers & Seas | Britannica
According to the itans (stories) of the Yoruba, the orisha Yemonja was a primordial spiritual entity who was charged by Olofi (God; also known as Olodumare) to assist the orisha Obatala with the formation of humans in Olofi’s creation of Earth.
Yemaya the Santeria Goddess of The Ocean | Symbols | Origins
Apr 7, 2023 · Originally Yemaya was a river goddess of the Yoruba in Nigeria, far from the ocean. She was a nature spirit, an orisha. A powerful guardian spirit that reflects an important aspect of the God of the Santeria religion. An orisha manifests itself as a force of nature.
Yemaya (Yemoja) – Yoruba Queen of the Sea - Symbol Sage
Oct 29, 2023 · Yemaya, also known as Yemoja, Yemanja, Yemalla and others, was the river or sea orisha of the Yoruba people, one of the largest ethnic groups of southwestern Nigeria. In Yoruba religion, she was considered as the mother of all living things and was among the most powerful and loved deities of all, and was also known as the Queen of the Sea.
Who is Yemaya the Water Goddess: Exploring the Deity ... - Old …
Yemaya, the Water Goddess, is revered in Afro- Caribbean religions for her rich mythology and symbolic attributes. Her significance extends beyond being the mother of all Orishas, embodying the essence of motherhood, nurturing, and protection.
Yemaya Orisha: Exploring the Divine Mother Figure in Yoruba …
Jan 30, 2024 · Yemaya is a prominent Orisha in the Afro-Cuban religion of Santeria. She is widely revered as the queen of the ocean and embodies the nurturing and protective qualities associated with motherhood. The hold great significance in Santeria and are …
Yemaya: Goddess Symbols, Correspondences, Myth & Offerings
Yemayá (also known as Yemọja or Yemanjá) is a Yoruban river spirit. She is an Orisha, a guiding spirit of the rivers sent to aid humanity.
Yemọja - Gods and Monsters
Mythical Attributes: Yemọja is considered the mother of all Orishas and the mother of humanity, embodying the essence of water and motherhood. Role in Mythos: As a patron spirit of rivers and oceans, she is revered as a guardian of women and children, and …
Yoruba Goddess Yemaja (The Mother of Waters)
Aug 21, 2024 · Discover the enchanting world of Yemaja, the beloved Yoruba goddess of the ocean and motherhood. Explore her myths, symbols, and sacred rituals in our comprehensive guide to this revered African deity.