3 Element 20 Meter Hamstick Mini Beam Yagi - VE6VK - hamuniverse.com
This Yagi should be used with a 1:1 balun for best performance and to help eliminate TVI. One good suggestion is the "Ugly Balun Project" as seen on this site. It works great and is very easy to build from coax and PVC pipe and a few plastic wire ties.
The antenna terms you need to know: YAGI - The ... - The Solid …
Sep 10, 2019 · Yagi antennas combine several different parts. The most important is the “receiving element.” This can be hard to find on an antenna but generally it’s close to where the cable connects. Yagi antennas also have “reflectors” and “directors” which are other elements designed to concentrate the signal on a specific part of the ...
What is a Yagi Antenna? - The Solid Signal Blog
Sep 15, 2020 · It’s that metal rod that sticks up from a portable radio. It’s the simplest kind of antenna you can have, and it’s really just a metal stick. This antenna is out there collecting radio waves without really doing a good job of telling the difference between one kind of …
VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna Quick Designer - K7MEM
VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna Design Input Use the following entry areas to define your antenna requirements. Specifying a Gain > 21.6 dBd or a Boom Length > 39 λ will limit the design to 21.6 dBd Gain and Boom Length to 39 λ.
2 Element Quick Yagi – K6ARK Portable Radio
This slick little 2 element yagi will get you on the air quickly, and help you reach out further for more contacts. 4.15 dBd (6.3 dBi) forward gain, and 10 dB front to back ratio helps grab the contacts you want, and reject interference. Here’s everything you need to build your own.
20m mini Yagi beam - Nonstop Systems
THE HALF-SIZE 20M YAGI. A full-size ( = ½λ) dipole antenna for the 20 mtr band spans about 10 meters (33 ft). Searching for a half-size half-size 2-element Yagi, I found the design by Gary Hanson (KJ5VW), ref. 4. See ref. 5 and 6 for similar designs.
20 Meter 2 Element "Hamstick" Mini Vee Beam Project
MINI HORIZONTAL "V" 2 ELEMENT "HAMSTICK" 20M BEAM. 1 inch diameter boom 4 ft 6 inches long. 1 aluminuum mounting bracket driven element. 1 aluminum mounting bracket reflector. 4 insulated CB mounting kits 3/8" by 24 TPI (2 can be un-insulated for reflector. Wire for hairpin match. 14 gauge electrical wire with insulation removed.
Homebrew 3 elements 10m Yagi antenna – S21RC Shack
Mar 9, 2024 · As I am a fan of DK7ZB design for its gain and simplicity (The first one I made with his design decades ago for 6m), I chose to make the 3m boom 3 element 28ohm yagi for 10m. Link here. The DK7ZB measurements are given for 16mm and 12mm tube.
Plans for a 20 Meter Yagi Antenna - The DXZone.com
Mar 7, 2025 · Plans for a 20 Meter Yagi Antenna category is a curation of 20 web resources on , Monoband Yagi for 20 meters, 3 elements Yagi for 20 meters, 2-Element-Yagis for HF. Resources listed under 20 meter yagi category belongs to 20M main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators.
YAGI ANTENNA DESIGN BASICS - Learn More About a Yagi …
The Yagi antenna's overall basic design consists of a "resonant" fed dipole (the fed dipole is the driven element and in the picture above and the second from the left side ), with one or more parasitic elements.