YACHT BLUE S490-4 | Behr Paint Colors
Yacht Blue is a nautical hue that prompts daydreams of tranquil lounging on sun decks, sun on face, and wind in your hair. One-coat hide guaranteed when tinted into BEHR DYNASTY ™ and MARQUEE Interior paint. Limitations apply. For more information, visit the One-Coat Color Guarantee page.
Behr Yacht Blue S490-4 / #669bb4 Hex Color Code
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #669bb4 hex color code.
Compare Behr Yacht Blue with other colors - plan-home.com
Compare Behr Yacht Blue with other colors. Understand the differences in hue, saturation, lightness, and value. Please note that the color shown on this page is a representation and might not exactly match the real shade of the cards, fan decks, or color collections.
1 gal. #S490-4 Yacht Blue Semi-Gloss Interior Paint - The Home Depot
Flourish your walls with a hint of bright colors just by applying this extra ordinary BEHR PRO ppg1040-3 S Blue SemiGloss Interior Paint.
Paint Yacht Blue Light Paint | Sanderson by Sanderson Design
An atmospheric deep ink navy blue. Bold and inspiring shade to reinvent and revitalise your interior room.
BEHR PREMIUM 1 gal. #S490-4 Yacht Blue Textured Low-Lustre …
This texturized Low-Lustre acrylic latex paint is resistant to UV damage, scuffing, fading, cracking and peeling, and it offers improved hiding properties to provide efficient coverage. Cleans easily with warm, soapy water. How can we improve our product information? Provide feedback.
5 gal. #S490-4 Yacht Blue Low Luster Exterior Paint
Add an elegant and colorful look to your wall space with the selection of this beautiful BEHR PRO S Blue Low Luster Exterior Paint.
#679bb3 Hex Color - Yacht Blue - Color Hex Map
#679bb3 hex color code details, description, color schemes, and color space conversion in RGB, CMYK, HSL, RYB, Decimal, etc. plus much more information.
YACHT BLUE S490-4 | Behr Paint Colors
YACHT BLUE is one of over 3,000 colors you can find, coordinate, and preview on www.behr.com. Start your project with YACHT BLUE now. RGB: #679BB3.
Behr Yacht Blue vs. Behr Dolphin Blue - plan-home.com
The colors, each unique in their hue and saturation, embody their own individual beauty and value. The hues of the colors are quite similar. Behr S490-4 and S470-4 differ significantly in saturation. Behr S490-4 is more saturated. Despite their differences, both colors share a similar value, with Behr S490-4 is being darker.
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