YF-102 (rocket engine) - Wikipedia
The YF-102 is a Chinese liquid rocket engine burning LOX and kerosene in a gas generator cycle. [4] It is manufactured by the AALPT based on the experience of previous kerolox engines, and using 3D printing technology and is capable of multiple restarts.
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger - Wikipedia
The Convair F-102 Delta Dagger[N 2] is an interceptor aircraft designed and produced by the American aircraft manufacturer Convair. A member of the Century Series, the F-102 was the first operational supersonic interceptor and delta-wing fighter operated by …
YF-102, The New Kid on the Block (of Rocket Engines)
Oct 5, 2021 · According to various videos from the manufacturer Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology (AALPT), The YF-102 is a 85t thrust-class expander open cycle (开始循环发动机). It burns kerosene and liquid oxygen, and its …
YF-102 Delta Dagger - NASA
Nov 26, 2013 · The Convair YF-102 Delta Dagger interceptor was a scaled-up version of the delta-wing XF-92A. The NACA High-Speed Flight Station received the YF-102 in 1954 and flew it 104 times over 4 years. The YF-102, with a delta wing similar to the XF-92A, faced major redesign work due to pitch-up problems.
This Day in Aviation History: First Flight of The YF-102 Delta Dagger
Oct 24, 2022 · The YF-102 was a single-seat, single-engine, delta-wing fighter designed as an all-weather, missile-armed, Mach 2 interceptor. It was developed from the earlier, experimental, Convair XF-92 Dart.
NASA Dryden YF-102 Photo Collection
The Convair YF-102 Delta Dagger interceptor was a scaled-up version of the delta-wing XF-92A. The NACA High-Speed Flight Station received the YF-102 in 1954 and flew it 104 times over four years. The YF-102, with a delta wing similar to the XF-92A, faced major redesign work due to pitch-up problems.
Convair YF-102 Delta Dagger - NASA
Sep 28, 2009 · Convair YF-102 (53-1785) on the ramp at the NACA High-Speed Flight Station, Edwards, CA, in 1955. This top view shows the planform of the plane. The airplane was found deficient in performance. The YF-102 Delta Dagger characteristics are: Wing span, ft. 38.19; Fuselage length, ft. 52.4; Vertical tail height, ft. 18.0
The Convair F-102 Delta Dagger was a US interceptor aircraft built as part of the backbone of the United States Air Force's (USAF) air defenses in the late 1950s. Entering service in 1956, its main purpose was to intercept invading Soviet bomber fleets. Designed and manufactured by Convair, 1,000 F-102s were built.
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger & F-106 Delta Dart - AirVectors
The YF-102As featured a considerably more powerful J57-P-23 engine providing 53.4 kN (5,445 kgp / 12,000 lbf) thrust; a cambered wing; a redesigned canopy; and, importantly, an "area-ruled" fuselage. Area ruling had been invented by Richard T. Whitcomb of NACA, and improved transonic handling by ensuring that changes in aircraft cross-section ...
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger – Let Let Let - Warplanes
Jul 20, 2013 · The YF-102 (52-7994) made its maiden flight on 24 October 1953 at Edwards AFB with Convair test pilot Dick Johnson at the controls. 52-7994 did not last long – on 1 November 1953, an engine failure on take off during a test flight …
24 October 1953 - This Day in Aviation
Oct 24, 2024 · The YF-102 was a single-seat, single-engine, delta wing fighter designed as an all-weather, missile-armed, Mach 2 interceptor. It was developed from the earlier, experimental, Convair XF-92 Dart.
2 November 1953 | This Day in Aviation
On 2 November 1953, the Convair YF-102 prototype, 52-7994 was severely damaged when its Pratt & Whitney J57-P-11 engine flamed out during a test flight. The cause was traced to the engine’s Bendix fuel control.
F-102A - NASA
Sep 12, 2014 · The Convair F-102A was a delta-wing, single-engine, jet-powered, all-weather interceptor. A preproduction prototype called the YF-102 was built in 1951, and tests of scale models were undertaken in the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) wind tunnels at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, Hampton, Virginia.
Convair YF-102 - Joe Baugher
The Convair F-102A Delta Dagger single-seat all-weather interceptor was the first delta-winged combat aircraft in the world to enter operational service. It was also the world's first all-weather interceptor capable of supersonic performance in level flight.
CONVAIR F-102 DELTA DAGGER > 163d Attack Wing > Display
The primary mission of the F-102 was to intercept and destroy enemy aircraft. It was the world's first supersonic all-weather jet interceptor and the USAF's first operational delta-wing aircraft. The F-102 made its initial flight on Oct. 24, 1953, and became operational with the Air Defense Command in 1956.
CONVAIR F-102A - Federation of American Scientists
Built by Convair (General Dynamics); the F-102 was the first all-weather supersonic jet interceptor. First to use the 'area rule' design concept which pushed the speed beyond the sonic barrier, the F-102 was to be superseded by the more advanced F …
Convair F-102 Delta Dagger - WINGS-AVIATION
The F-102 replaced subsonic fighter types such as the Northrop F-89 Scorpion, and by the 1960s, it saw limited service in the Vietnam War in bomber escort and ground-attack roles. It was supplemented by McDonnell F-101 Voodoos and, later, by McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom IIs.
The newly designed YF-102A dubbed the “Hot Rod” flew for the first time on December 20, 1954. The F-102A entered service with ADC’s 327th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, George AFB, CA on May 1, 1956, becoming the first supersonic squadron in the Command.
YF-102 index: YF-102 Series Photo Gallery Contact Sheet
Feb 6, 2002 · These are the image contact sheets for each image resolution of the NASA Dryden YF-102 Series Photo Gallery. The Convair YF-102 Delta Dagger interceptor was a scaled-up version of the delta-wing XF-92A.
Static test-stand performance of the YF-102 turbofan engine with ...
The performance of a YF-102 turbofan engine was measured in an outdoor test stand with a bellmouth inlet and seven exhaust-system configurations. The configurations consisted of three separate-flow systems of various fan and core nozzle sizes and four confluent-flow systems of various nozzle sizes and shapes.