Xiaolin Wu - Faculty of Engineering
Xiaolin Wu. Professor. NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair . IEEE Fellow. McMaster Distinguished Engineering Professor. Associated Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing . Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering ITB A315 McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8G 4K1. email: xwu at ece.mcmaster.ca
Electrical & Computer Engineering – Faculty of Engineering
2) (see Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133) Author: Xiaolin Wu Dept. of Computer Science Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5B7 [email protected] Algorithm: Greedy orthogonal bipartition of RGB space for variance minimization aided by inclusion-exclusion tricks.
Numerical Analysis - Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering 3SK3. Numerical Analysis. Academic year 2019-2020, term 2 . Instructor: Xiaolin Wu, ITB-A315. Extension: 24190. Email: [email protected] ...
Xiaolin Wu and Xiangjun Zhang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster University, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract In interest of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size, most digital cameras adopt a design of single sensor array coupled with a color filter array. This design inevitably suffers, due to ...
X. Wu (McMaster Univ.) OCTM November 28, 2010 13 / 31 Balance between contrast gain and tone distortion The smaller D(s) the smoother the tone reproduced by T(i).
Prof. Xiaolin Wu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster University Canada TA: Mohammad Sheikh Zefreh [email protected] February 26, 2012
Xiaolin Wu is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McMaster University, Canada. His research interests include multimedia signal processing and communications, data compression, and visual computing. He is an IEEE Fellow and currently serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
Image Processing - Faculty of Engineering
Instructor: Xiaolin Wu, ITB-A315. Extension: 24190. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Tuesdays 2pm~4pm . Teaching Assistants: Xiaohong Liu, ITB-A203, office hours: Tuesday 2~5pm. Mehdi Ayyoubzadeh, ITB-A103, office hours: Wednesday 11:00~2:00pm. Lectures: 3 hours/week. Tutorial: 1 hour/week
Image Processing - Faculty of Engineering
COMPUTER ENG 709. Parallel and Distributed Computing. Academic year 2017-2018, term 2 . Instructor: Xiaolin Wu, ITB-A315. Extension: 24190. Email: [email protected] ...
Numerical Analysis - Faculty of Engineering
Instructor: Xiaolin Wu, ITB-A315. Extension: 24190. Email: [email protected] . Lectures: 3 hours/week . Course notes: dynamic programming.pdf, Linear programming, Graph, Maximum flow, Huffman, MAP decoding, MAP paper, U&F, MSP.. Course project: Project 1; Wu’s paper: OCTM . Assignment: Read