XD-S 40 S&W to 9mm conversion - Springfield XD Forum
Feb 20, 2017 · Makes sense for gun manufacturer to be able to make parts interchangeable if possible. We know the XDS 45 came first and in photos it is obvious that the xds 40 barrel has thicker wall in barrel and the 9mm even more so. and the weight of 45 is less than 40 is less than 9. Did they keep outside diameter the same to make the slides all the same?
night sights for XDS .40 - Springfield XD Forum
Apr 8, 2016 · I also had TruGlo's installed in my XDS 9mm and got too shoot them for the first time today. Went very well and appears to have corrected the shooting left 3" problem I was having. I like many others have a problem shooting left, but this problem was different because the group was really tight but just 3" left.
New XD .40, need ammo advice! | Springfield XD Forum
Jan 11, 2012 · Springfield 45 ACP XDs RIA 1911 Tactical 45 ACP EAA Windicator 357 mag 4" Taurus 738 TCP Savage 111 TH XP 300 Win Mossberg 500 Tactical 12 ga J R Carbine 40 S&W Semi Auto Rifle Chinese Type 53 MN with ArchAngel stock
XD-S 40 Problems - Springfield XD Forum
Jul 14, 2016 · I'm new to XDTalk. I have four XD's. XD Subcompact 40, XDM 40, XD-s 9mm and I just bought an XD-s 40. All have been great, at least until I got the XD-s 40. Major accuracy issues. Bullets all over the place and low and to the left. I thought it might be ammo, but my XDM and my XD Subcompact ate the ammo and were accurate without a hitch.
XDS issues..... - Springfield XD Forum
Sep 16, 2012 · Let me start out by saying I am a very dedicated owner and operator of three XDM/XDS pistols. I sing XDM praises everywhere I go because Springfield products have earned their reputations through performance. My absolute favorite gun is the XDM 40. I have two, a 4.5" and the Competition...
XD sub compact .40 versus XDs for EDC | Springfield XD Forum
May 1, 2013 · All, I *should* be getting my CCP any day now and I'm considering either the XD sub compact .40 or and XDs for carry. Just looking for any thoughts/opinions from those who currently carry one or the other. I like the increased capacity of the SC .40, but it is a bit bigger and heavier than the...
Caliber conversion - Springfield XD Forum
Feb 26, 2017 · The XDs .45, 9mm and .40 all use the same size frame - the internals are different at least between the .45 and 9mm so you still can't just swap things around to do a caliber conversion, even if you could buy the slide & barrel separately, which SA won't sell you.
XD/XDM 40 cal - .357 sig conversion | Springfield XD Forum
Apr 18, 2018 · 4 XDS, 9, 40 and 45, 1 Hellcat 9 MM FO F/S 2 XD40 SC Mod 2, XD45 Mod 2 XD40 and XD9 Service Mod 2, XD357 ...
I just got a springfield xds 40 cal I got questions.
Nov 25, 2022 · I got another question I picked up a veridian xds 5r laser site with holster on clearance for $70 was like $160 new. Do you think would be a good fit for my xds 40 cal. I see some reviews saying good laser site. Just checking before I install as just got now incase need to return to get a diff site.
The Best Upgrades on my XD.40 | Springfield XD Forum
Mar 12, 2012 · XD .40 w/ Trijicon Night Sights SA Carry package Springfield Armory Custom fitted Match Barrel FNH FNP-40 w/ Streamlight TLR-2s Ruger LC9 w/ Crimson Trace Laser SS guide rod Polished barrel Remington 12 ga. Barretta nine-two 6mm PPC 300 Savage.338