Xbloc® Efficient Wave Protection DMC offers products that provide protection against waves and currents. These products build on 40 years of experience in design of marine constructions and 20 years of experience with the original Xbloc armour units.
Design - Xbloc
To give you a quick start with the Xbloc design we have developed the Xbloc Design Guidelines and the Xbloc Design Calculator. With these guidelines and calculator it is possible to easily get a first estimate of what Xbloc size is required for the breakwater and/or shore protection.
Xbloc - Wikipedia
An Xbloc is a wave-dissipating concrete block (or "armour unit") designed to protect shores, harbour walls, seawalls, breakwaters and other coastal structures from the direct impact of incoming waves.
XblocPlus | Xbloc
XblocPlus is a pattern-placed interlocking armour unit. The main advantages are: Aesthetically pleasing appearance in line with modern design trends. XblocPlus was developed between 2015 and 2018. The unit was applied on the Afsluitdijk Project in The Netherlands for the first time; 75,000 blocks were used.
Xbloc - 华文百科
XBLOC是旨在保护海岸,港口墙,海堤,防避和其他沿海结构的波浪隔离混凝土块(或“装甲单元”),免受传入波的直接影响。 XBLOC模型是由荷兰公司Delta Marine Consultants于2001年设计和开发的,现在称为Royal Bam G...
xbloc - Aggregate Industries
The Xbloc offers a ground-breaking line of wave and current protection solutions designed to enhance resilience, sustainability, and cost-efficiency for coastal and marine infrastructure. The Xbloc system includes multiple variations that serve a variety of applications, from coastal defence to riverbank stabilisation.
新型防护块体Xbloc的安装技术 - 参考网
Apr 28, 2020 · Xbloc块体是一种可应用于防波堤和护岸上的强有力的单层混凝土护面块体,具有制造工序简单、相对混凝土用量小、块体连锁稳定性强等优势[1]。 本项目使用的Xbloc有以下3种规格,分别为2 m3、3 m3和5 m3,对应的设计用量为7 206块、10 966块和8 820块。
实心混凝土块 - XBLOC® - Contech - 用于挡土墙 / 用于护栏 / 用 …
XblocPlus是新一代的海岸保护系统,可以处理超过30英尺的设计波浪,坡度高达1.33H:1V,而使用的材料比传统的装甲解决方案少40%。 XblocPlus经历了广泛的实验室测试,包括在世界最大的水力测试设施Deltares Delta Flume的测试。 XblocPlus有一个高效和独特的安装系统,可以节省宝贵的时间和金钱。
XBLOC® - Solid concrete block by Contech | ArchiExpo
Xbloc is a robust breakwater, shoreline & coastal protection system. Designed to protect the world’s coastline, providing a resilient, sustainable and economical solution. Contech has partnered with Delta Marine Consultants to bring the Xbloc systems to the United States.
Xbloc - LinkedIn
The Xbloc product line comprises of the following products: • Xbloc: randomly placed breakwater armour units • XblocPlus: pattern-placed breakwater armour units • Xstream: small Xbloc units ...