XYplorer - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - MUT1
Multi-User-Tagging (MUT) means to share XYplorer’s file tagging (Labels, Tags, Comments, and all available Extra Tags) within a network among different members of a team, among different client computers.
[SOLVED] Global v.s. local tag storage, and some suggestions
Feb 21, 2019 · Currently XYplorer stores all tags in one file "tag.dat". Developer may have his own considerations, but this does cause some trouble to moving tags together with the tagged files around.
Looking for File Manager with Tags : r/datacurator - Reddit
May 27, 2021 · It is a tag-centric file management system that builds on top of your existing folder structure. It supports tag nesting (creating a tag tree), filtering by tag and search, and has an integrated task management system.
Question regarding tagging and photo organization - Reddit
Dec 10, 2020 · Xyplorer writes tags in a db like text file, files are traced by their name and location - if you move a file outside of xyplorer the tags are gone. Hydrus uses a very sophisticated SQL database to manage tags based on a files hash, you can still export all your files with same named text files containing their tags.
XYplorer标签集使用指南 - 知乎
而Tag对应的例子是你买回来一件衣服,衣服上的价格标签就是Tag。 因为Tag没有粘合剂,它是以其他形式附上物品上以辨识和解释物品。 很明显,价格标签是通过一串线系上衣服上的,并没有粘合剂。
filesystems - Labelling/tagging windows files - Super User
With version 9.90 XYplorer offers tagging as a radically new approach to file management and alternative to the hierarchical tree-based file management. You can assign any number of tags to any file or folder.
XYplorer-标签集 (Tags)的使用方法 - 知乎
我认为菜单栏Tags应该翻译为标识符集,即"a set of tags"的意思。 至于Label与Tag最大的区别在于是否有胶粘剂,Label是带粘合剂的标签,比如我买回来的固态硬盘中,有一个白色标签 (Label): 而Tag对应的例子是你买回来一件衣服,衣服上的价格标签就是Tag。 因为Tag没有粘合剂,它是以其他形式附上物品上以辨识和解释物品。 很明显,价格标签是通过一串线系上衣服上的,并没有粘合剂。 这样就区分出了Tag和Label,所以你会可以看出XY中Label是色彩标签且 …
XYplorer - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - MUT
Multi-User Tagging (MUT) means to share XYplorer’s file tagging (Labels, Tags, Comments, and up to 16 Extra Tags) within a network among different members of a team, on different client computers.
[Feature Request] XYplorer Tag Support - voidtools forum
Mar 15, 2023 · Everything will try to gather tags from the Windows Property System or built-in property handler if there's no XYplorer tag. To show only properties from your XYplorer tag.dat, disable the Windows Property System and builtin property handlers:
Detecting XYplorer tag mismatch - voidtools forum
Mar 15, 2023 · Basically I have a filter like this `is-xyplorer-tag: !tag:` which tells me that its a new file that I've tagged in XYplorer but it hasn't been CTRL+F5 refreshed in Everything yet.