XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
May 29, 2019 · This is the spot to talk about the Honda XR250R & XR400R . Find new & used XR250/400R motorcycles & parts for sale, XR250/400R reviews, and browse owner garages & mods. Honda XR250R & XR400R Motorcycle Reviews Honda XR250R & XR400R Motorcycles & Parts for Sale Honda XR250R & XR400R Owner Garages and Mods
1997 xr400 shock rebuilding - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Apr 8, 2004 · Something to keep in mind regarding checking shock N2 pressure. The volume of compressed gas in there is quite small (look at the picture in the service manual of the rubber bladder.
XR400 vs CRF450X - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Oct 24, 2012 · Hello everyone. I am looking to get your input on a decision I've been trying to make. Quick history. Stopped riding MX due to back surgeries. Sold my 07 CRF450R and purchased a 2011 BMW 1200GS. Great bike but a tad heavy on dual sport rides and tight stuff is just plain painful. I've looking to ...
Rebuild done - kick starter doesn't move properly - XR250R
Jan 11, 2016 · I've just rebuild my engine after a piston failure. It was a full tear down to clean out all the parts inc the crank cases. Bike is a 1999 XR400. It's all built and back in the frame, tonight I've got the Kickstarter but noticed that it doesn't move past 9 …
Decompression Lever Adjustment - XR250R & XR400R
Mar 11, 2010 · I recently posted a few times about the difficulty in starting my 2002 XR400R. While reading through the service manual, I noticed it said that an improperly adjusted decomp lever may cause similar problems. It said there should be 3/16 to 5/16 of free play. Well, I went out and checked mine, and it was more like 1 to 2" of free play.
New baffle in XR400 - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Apr 20, 2006 · I just installed a modified baffle into my XR400. Man what a difference it made it opened the exhaust from 132.7 sq mm (original spark arrestor) to 503 sq mm The bike sounds heaps better and picks up great. I got it from Ballards in Penrith (suburb of Sydney Australia).
Best Mods for XR250? - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Jul 3, 2017 · Now, I raced a 2001 XR250R last year for half a season. I did not touch the motor, it was low hours. I installed a TM34 carb with a home-made adapter, XR400R air boot, Opened up the intake, left the stock header on it but ran the XR's Only Oval Exhaust (the classic looking pipe with the downturned tip) and jetted it properly.
What are Gordon Mods? - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Nov 9, 2002 · XR400R Spark Arrestor/Muffler Note. The 1996/97 XR400R has a two-piece exhaust pipe insert. The removable spark arrestor has a removable muffler insert. With the. muffler insert in place, the exhaust is very quiet and very restricted.
Proper decompression adjustment - XR250R & XR400R
April 8, 2004 in XR250R & XR400R. Share More sharing options... Followers 0. Recommended Posts. ehagerty.
removed snorkel? - XR250R & XR400R - ThumperTalk
Oct 16, 2006 · K&N's are known to pass fine particles of dust/dirt through them. I used to use them exclusively until I bought a new XR650 in 2000 and put a new K&N in it, I clean my filter after every ride religiously during the first filter cleaning I noticed fine dust had passed through and was in the manifold beyond the filter.