XM148 grenade launcher - Wikipedia
The XM148 was an experimental 40 mm grenade launcher developed by Colt Firearms as the CGL-4 (Colt Grenade Launcher). Colt manufactured the launcher for field testing during the Vietnam War era.
Colt CGL-4 (XM148) 40mm Grenade Launcher - The Armourers …
Feb 19, 2019 · Right side view of the XM148’s trigger, cocking mechanism and pistol grip (Vic Tuff) Initial reports from the field were promising with troops praising the “tactical advantage of both the point fire and area fire system” concept. The XM148 was well received by the SEALs and the Australian SAS.
XM-148: Colt’s Vietnam Grenade Launcher - Forgotten Weapons
Dec 11, 2019 · While the Special Purpose Infantry Weapon (SPIW) program failed to produce any successful rifles, it did become clear that the area-effect aspect of its requirements did have merit. This was spun off as its own program to develop a 40mm under barrel grenade launcher for …
Mar 1, 2010 · The XM148 was a revolutionary weapon that allowed infantry soldiers to engage the enemy beyond the range of hand grenades without the weight and complexity of light mortars. Rifle grenades were employed as early as World War I and efforts to launch rifle grenades from the semiautomatic M1 Garand succeeded in 1943 with the introduction of the M7 ...
M203 on a FAL? - The FAL Files
Jul 30, 2004 · The 40mm grenade launcher mounted on the Aussie rifle is a Colt XM148. The XM148 was not particularly successful. It was overly complex and had many small parts. The M203 was simpler, more robust, and the successor to the XM148. The barrel latch was the small pistol grip under the launcher.
XM-148: Colt’s Vietnam Grenade Launcher - TheGunZone
Oct 3, 2024 · The XM-148 is an outgrowth of Project SPIW, or Special Purpose Infantry Weapon, which aimed to increase the lethality of infantry firearms.
Colt XM148 Grenade Launcher - Historical Firearms
While the XM148 proved to be a failure it played an important role in proving the operational viability of the rifle mounted grenade launcher system. The muzzle-launched rifle grenade is all but obsolete, superseded by the under-slung grenade launcher.
XM148 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher - Historical Firearms
XM148 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher In the latest Armourer’s Bench video, Vic returns with a look at the CGL-4/XM148 40mm grenade launcher developed by Colt to fulfil the US Army’s requirement for an under-barrel grenade launcher for the M16.
XM148 grenade launcher | Military Wiki | Fandom
The XM148 was an experimental 40 mm grenade launcher developed by Colt Firearms as the CGL-4 (Colt Grenade Launcher). Colt manufactured the launcher for field testing during the Vietnam era. It was designed for installation below the barrel of …
The Colt CGL-4 / XM148 underbarrel grenade launcher (USA)
The Colt CGL-4 / XM148 grenade launcher is a single shot weapon which is normally mounted below the barrel of a host rifle, using special mounting brackets, provided with the launcher. It features a forward-sliding barrel, mounted inside a stationary outer housing.