XDM 357 Barrel | Springfield XD Forum
Sep 8, 2009 · The 357 SIG was an attempt to match the ballistics of the 125 grain 357 Magnum load in a compact semi auto format. The 357 SIG is tailored to lighter weight bullets that travel at faster velocities than the .40. Since velocity is squared in the energy equation, the 357 SIG typically has more energy than the .40.
XD Tactical in 357 SIG - Springfield XD Forum
Jan 19, 2010 · After looking at a bunch of different pistols including the Glock 31 I chose the XD Tactical model in 357 SIG. I like the ballistic performance of the 357 SIG cartridge [125 GR JHP] when compared to the 9mm or 40 S&W. Many law enforcement agencies are using pistols chambered for the 357 SIG including Texas-Tennessee-Oklahoma State Troopers.
XDm 40 conversion to 357sig | Springfield XD Forum
Nov 2, 2011 · A forum community dedicated to Springfield Armory XD and XD-M series firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
XDs in 357 Sig? - Springfield XD Forum
Jan 5, 2014 · A forum community dedicated to Springfield Armory XD and XD-M series firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
XD 357SIG to 40 Conversion? | Springfield XD Forum
Sep 6, 2010 · xd40/357 sigpro 357 fnh p-35 hi-power walther tph .22 walther p22 walther p1/p38 springfield mil-spec .45 taurus tracker .44 mag taurus ss6 .357 taurus pt145 beretta tomcat .32 makarov .380 just to name a few...
357 Sig barrel for XD .40 Subcompact | Springfield XD Forum
Mar 24, 2017 · Gave in and bought the 357 Sig barrel for my XD Subcompact. I was told a 6 to 8 week production time. Been buying the needed supplies so I'll be ready when it gets here. So far I bought 200 rounds of S&B 140 grain 357 Sig ammo, 200 rounds of Lawman 125 grain, reloading dies, 1,000 pieces of 357 Sig brass and 1,000 125 grain bullets.
Converting .357 SIG to 9mm for cheap training | Springfield XD …
Feb 12, 2009 · A forum community dedicated to Springfield Armory XD and XD-M series firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
XD/XDM 40 cal - .357 sig conversion | Page 2 | Springfield XD Forum
Jun 11, 2023 · General Springfield XD/XD(M) Talk. XD/XDM 40 cal - .357 sig conversion. Jump to Latest
Sig p226/229 vs M&P vs XD in .357 Sig - Springfield XD Forum
Mar 23, 2013 · I had a Sig P229 in 357Sig for a long time and loved it, but converted from DA/SA triggers (Sig, Beretta) and went with the XD. Just ordered a 357 Sig barrel (Storm Lake from Midway) for my XD-40 service because a surprise cache of 357 Sig ammo was found in my closet and its a sin to waste ammo.
Are XD .357 sig and .40 SW interchangeable?
Feb 21, 2015 · From what I have heard on this the Springfield xd magazines are the same between 357 sig and 40 smith and wesson. But I could be wrong. You should have no issues using 40 magazines. Due to 40 ammo being more readily available you should look at a barrel exchange. All you need is a barrel and your 100% ready to shoot 40! 40 is of course cheaper