WZ-551 - Wikipedia
The WZ-551 is a Chinese wheeled infantry fighting vehicle family. The name WZ-551 actually covers two families of vehicles with the official designations in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) – Type 90 and Type 92. Over 3,000 WZ-551s are in service with the PLA, where they are used by medium mechanized infantry units.
WZ-551 (Type 90/92) Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers
Jan 12, 2012 · The WZ-551 is a family of wheeled armoured vehicles designed and built by the China North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco) for the People's Liberation Army Ground Force. A WZ-551 of the Sri Lanka Army Mechanized Infantry Regiment demonstrated at the army's 60th Anniversary Exhibition. Image courtesy of Chamal N.
Type 90 & 92 APC (1995) - tank-afv.com
The first two WZ551A prototypes were completed in August 1991 and after a 30,000 km crash test course, certified in 1994. It entered service in 1995 as The WZ551B/Type 92B or ZLS92 IFV with the 25 mm autocannon while the WZ551A or ZLS92A/Type 92A armed with the standard 12.7 mm HMG entered service in 1997. Design of the Type 92
WZ551 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The WZ551 (AKA the ZSL92 [2] is a Chinese wheeled armored personnel carrier. It is actually consisted of two families of vehicles with official designations in the People's Liberation Army as Type 90 and Type 92. Roughly 900 WZ551s are in service with the PLA, [3] where they are used by light mechanized infantry units.
NORINCO Type 90 / Type 92 (WZ551) - Military Factory
Jul 16, 2023 · Still another improved form ultimately emerged and this as the WMZ-551B, improving upon the A-model's mechanical reliability, onboard firepower and general agility.
ZSL-92装甲输送车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZSL-92装甲输送车[註 1] (研制工程代号“ WZ551 ”)也称为“92式裝甲運兵車”,是 中华人民共和国 研制的一款6×6輪型 装甲输送车,1990年代中期开始列装 中国人民解放军陆军 机械化部队。 ZSL-92装甲输送车参加了1999年 中华人民共和国国庆50周年阅兵式。 WZ551轮式装甲车研制最初始于1980年。 以1982年对引进德国奔驰2026重型越野汽车的仿制为基础研制 [1],1983年11月,试制出最初的WZ551样车,但出现不少技术难题。 当时同步研制的 WZ523 轮式装甲车,由四川 …
ZSL92 Armoured Transport Vehicle - FirearmCentral Wiki
One-person turret that is geometrically different than the later mass produced model. Prototype with 73mm smoothbore gun. Utilizes the ZBD86 turret. Prototype with 12.7mm machine gun. 4 pre-production model field trial vehicles. IFV prototype. 6x6 self-propelled 120mm mortar. Prototype self-propelled 100mm PTP86 tank gun. PTL02 — WA301 (?)
WZ-551B : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Jan 18, 2020 · The WZ-551B is a Chinese armored personnel carrier armed with a 25mm ZPT-90 autocannon. The WZ-155 itself was built in the 1980s to replace most of China's tracked APCs. Other variants include a 12.7mm machine gun mount, as well as H-8 and H-9 ATGMs.
Dec 30, 2016 · NORINCO introduced the WZ551 (PLA designation Type 90) wheeled armoured vehicle in the 1986 on the basis of Southwest Automobile Works Tiema CX2200 6X6 heavy-duty truck, a Chinese copy of the German Mercedes-Benz 2060 truck. The WZ551 is avaialble in 4X4, 6X6, and 8X8 configurations.
WMZ551B轮式装甲输送车 - 百度百科
WMZ551B 轮式装甲人员输送车 以国产WZ551A轮式装甲车的底盘为基础,由 中国北方工业公司 牵头研发的外贸型轮装甲车。 该车装有集压式三防装置, 自动灭火装置 和防弹轮胎等。 还可改装成各种变型车(救护车、抢救车、指挥车等)。 该车技术性能达到世界先进水平,已服役于很多国外军队。 尺寸:长 6.8米 宽 2.86米 高 2.87米. 动力:道依茨 BF8L413FC 四冲程风冷柴油发动机 360马力. 驱动方式:6×6驱动. 最高速度:100公里/小时. 水上速度:8.5千米/小时. 越垂直障 …
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