Human - The Official Worldbox Wiki
Humans are civilization entities that are hated by orcs. Game Description "Basic humans with basic needs" Humans being one of the four intelligent races that are currently in the game are …
Humans - WorldBox Wiki | Fandom
Humans are one of the 8 races of humanoids that can be spawned in a world in WorldBox. They belong to the Civilized class and can build villages like other humanoids of the same class.
MORE Buildings, Trains, and Airships (Humans) : r/Worldbox
May 7, 2022 · With the newer editions being the Hot-air balloon and Trains, each with their respective frames and "destroyed frames. Ones is a High def Image for viewing and the other …
Humans | WorldBox - Sandbox God Simulator Wiki - Fandom
Humans are a creature that falls under the “Civilized Creature” Classification. Like all other Humanoids, their buildings level up, with six tiers for houses and 3 tiers for town halls. The …
Traits | The Official Worldbox Wiki | Fandom
Traits are a characteristic of all creatures. Creatures that can form civilizations (humans, orcs, etc) can obtain traits from random chance when spawned, and by interacting with the world (like …
The Official Worldbox Wiki - Fandom
The Official Worldbox Wiki contains useful information directly from the official communities associated with the game. The purpose of this Wiki is to be the dictionary and knowledge-base …
r/Worldbox on Reddit: Anyone know where I can download sprite Png …
May 25, 2021 · I'll make a video on it at some point but essentially I take 3 screenshots of a character, cut them out of the background in Photoshop & resize the image to a large size, …
Creatures | WorldBox - Sandbox God Simulator Wiki - Fandom
There are currently only four creatures that are in this category: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Humans. Each of the four races have individual building styles for houses and town halls, but …
Human | Super WorldBox Wiki - Fandom
Humans are civilization entities that are hated by orcs. They are the weakest out of all civilization entities, however they are the quickest to grow and expand. Humans act as a real human in …
Humans (WorldBox) | VS Battles Wiki - Fandom
Humans are one of the four civilized races in WorldBox. They are the weakest of the four, but are also the quickest to grow and expand. They start off as tribal civilizations and eventually work …