Illinois workNet Home
With the Illinois workNet Business Hub you will be able to find qualified job candidates, train your workforce, or navigate through employment regulations and taxes. These programs are offered through the Illinois Department of Human Services for Youth ages 16-24.
Network & Connect - Illinois workNet
Locations that offer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services. Map of All Illinois workNet Centers and Affiliates. What can we help you find? Find service locations and referrals near you by searching by city or ZIP Code, keyword of help you need, or name of service.
Service Finder Search - Illinois workNet
Your Illinois workNet Center(s) based on the location you entered. Partner locations near you that serve individuals and/or employers. Referral locations and sites that offer work support services.
Illinois Worknet - Programs and Resources
Illinois workNet, along with affiliates and community partners, provide one-stop delivery of services, connecting individuals, employers, and education and workforce partners to career planning, education and training, employment resources and tools and workforce programs.
Illinois workNet Register
Illinois workNet is a portal providing access to career, education and work support services to residents. This portal also provides employers with access to information for finding employees and training resources and accessing information about doing business in Illinois.
Illinois workNet Center is an online source for local and statewide resources and tools to help individuals, employers, and workforce/education partners achieve their training and employment goals.
Job Openings & Recruiting - Illinois workNet
Mar 13, 2024 · Hiring formerly incarcerated job seekers is easier and safer than you might think. Employers can get a full-time employee at a substantially reduced cost by taking advantage of tax credits for hiring people with past convictions.
Illinois workNet
The Illinois workNet Center System, an American Job Center, is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment by calling TTY (800) 526-0844 or 711.
Illinois workNet
Back to Illinois workNet Service Finder. DeKalb Workforce Development Office. Address: 650 North Peace Road, Suite B DeKalb, IL 60115 . Phone: 630-762-2120. TTY/TDD: 815-901-0173. ... Customized Training Job Club and Networking On-the-Job Training Resources for Ex-Offender Skills Development ...
Illinois workNet Center
Back to Illinois workNet Service Finder. Illinois workNet Center. Address: 1307 North Mattis Ave. Champaign, IL 61821 . Phone: 217-531-8282. TTY ... Immigrants Individual with a Disability Laid Off Worker Mature Worker Re-Entry Person/Ex-Offender Veteran Youth (Ages 14-24) Services: Services for Individuals. Job & Career Readiness Services ...