[OLD] Work Your Magic, A Sci-Fi/Fantasy Tinker Fic
Sep 21, 2020 · Work Your Magic is an altpower Taylor story with some other AU elements. Essentially, Taylor has the power to tap into a massive well of energy and create technology that is powered by and uses that energy.
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | SpaceBattles
Nov 8, 2021 · Work Your Magic is a tinker alt-power on the surface. Taylor can make laser guns, super batteries, teleporter, and all the fun hallmarks of super technology. However, she does this by manipulating aether; a limitless, seemingly magical source of energy that can be turned into whatever Taylor wants.
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | Page 8 - SpaceBattles
Mar 10, 2024 · "No!" I shouted again, for what felt like the dozenth time. "I have no faith that you're going to use anything I make responsibly, nor do I believe you'd let me work in a way that would best suit my technology!" "We're the Protectorate and PRT, our job is to help people," Armsmaster said simply. "Your work would be valuable. It would save lives."
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | Page 7 - SpaceBattles
Feb 2, 2024 · To take one of your examples, the Endbringers, they were introduced as a brief, morbid thought, then glossed over. They were not written to be the focal point of the chapter, but a brief aside, then just left as part of the setting till they became oh so very relevant. The other part of the issue is just kinda a part of the format.
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | Page 5 - SpaceBattles
Nov 8, 2021 · Work Your Magic is an alt-power tinker Taylor story, with Taylor having the ability to construct tools that rely on what is essentially magic, or aether. She uses patterns called matrices in her work, which let her collect and use energy.
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | Page 6 - SpaceBattles
Nov 8, 2021 · "My place," I declared. "You've already figured out my Dad is Hive, you live up to your name and Stalked me- don't deny it, it's fucking too convenient that you bumped into me my first few nights out and wanted to be all buddy-buddy. You know where I live, and I don't want to unmask with your family near. Dad doesn't know who you are, though."
[OLD] Work Your Magic, A Sci-Fi/Fantasy Tinker Fic
Jan 22, 2021 · Use the internet to find people and clothing you want to mimic, then work on creating a model of that to use as your manifestation." "That can be done. Hestia says 'gotcha, boss'," Athena reported before her image blinked away and two modeling windows opened on my computer, working far faster than a human ever could.
Work Your Magic, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Story | Page 3 - SpaceBattles
Dec 19, 2021 · "You did great out there, Taylor," Dad beamed. "Really. Staying away from Hookwolf was the right, smart thing to do, and you got three villains off the street in the process. I think your choice of teammates could use some working on, but for your first cape-to-cape fight, you were awesome." I smiled, then yawned. "Fights are exhausting," I ...
[OLD] Work Your Magic, A Sci-Fi/Fantasy Tinker Fic
Nov 8, 2021 · An AU, altpower Worm fanfiction focusing on a Taylor with the power to use psuedo-magic runes and energy to create advanced technology.
[OLD] Work Your Magic, A Sci-Fi/Fantasy Tinker Fic
Feb 17, 2021 · See, teleportation got exponentially more expensive the longer you traveled. One hop across your living room might cost a few seconds of charge, while a jump to the other side of the street would take a quarter-hour, and a teleport across the city would drain your batteries dry.