Bushy-tailed woodrat - Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
The bushy-tailed woodrat is a large rat-like mammal; its squirrel-like tail unique among members of the genus, is gray above and whitish below. The dorsum is buffy gray to dark brownish-black and the venter is white to buff depending on the geographic race.
10 Types of MICE and RATS Found in Oregon! - Bird Watching HQ
The easiest way to identify the Desert Woodrat is to look at its feet! Although their coloring is highly variable, their feet and undersides are always white. Like many rats in Oregon, this species is a food source generalist and will consume any type of plant matter available.
Woodrat Mountain Site Guide – Rogue Valley Hang Gliding
Nov 21, 2010 · Woodrat Mountain is a beautiful flying site for hang gliders and paragliders. With great weather, excellent XC opportunities, and regular evening glass-offs, it is the primary RVHPA flying site and has a 38+ year continuous history of free flying.
Dusky-footed woodrat - Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
The dusky-footed woodrat is a medium-sized rat-like form with large, nearly naked ears, protruding eyes, and a long tail. The dorsal pelage consists of hairs with steel gray bases, a band of ocherous buff, and a tip of black.
Rats and Mice | Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
The bushy-tailed woodrat is a large rat-like mammal; its squirrel-like tail unique among members of the genus, is gray above and whitish below. The dorsum is buffy gray to dark brownish-black and the venter is white to buff depending on the geographic race.
Pack rat - Wikipedia
A pack rat or packrat, also called a woodrat or trade rat, are any species in the North and Central American rodent genus Neotoma. Pack rats have a rat-like appearance, with long tails, large ears, and large, black eyes.
Home | Ratroute
Important: To fly at Woodrat, you must also register as a visiting pilot and pay the $35 membership fee (valid for the calendar year). You can pay for your Rat Route ticket and RVHPA membership at the same time.
Woodrat Mountain Paragliding - Travel Oregon
Dec 5, 2024 · Woodrat Mountain has world-class launch sites for hang and paragliding. The two sites, mid and upper launch, are accessible for passenger vehicles and offer spectacular views and opportunities to launch. The mid-launch site overlooks the Bishop Creek Drainage and does not have a restroom.
Bushy-tailed woodrat - Wikipedia
The bushy-tailed woodrat, or packrat (Neotoma cinerea) is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae found in Canada and the United States. [2] Its natural habitats are boreal forests, temperate forests, dry savanna, temperate shrubland, and temperate grassland.
Dusky-Footed Woodrat - National Wildlife Federation
Dusky-footed woodrats in the United States are found in California and western Oregon. Forests of coast live oak and native willow trees with thick underbrush and cover are the ideal homes for dusky-footed woodrats.