Protagonist (Persona 5: The Phantom X) - Megami Tensei Wiki
The protagonist is a young man with short red hair styled with curtain bangs and matching red eyes. His default outfit is a white undershirt and white hoodie beneath his uniform's blazer, along with red sneakers. As Wonder, he wears a steel gray and high-collared tailcoat atop a navy bodysuit (dark gray in the … See more
As per tradition of the Megami Tenseifranchise, he is a silent protagonist whose personality is based upon the player's actions and decisions. However at the beginning of the game, he is noted to lack … See more
- 1. In the White Day art, the protagonist is wearing a shirt with "Magician" written on it.
- 2. Wonder shares the same Japanese VA with Aldo (Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space) and Prince Euden (Dragalia Lost) who also did met and team up with Joker during their game's collaboration... See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licensePersona 5: The Phantom X | Megami Tensei Wiki
Oct 5, 2023 · Persona 5: The Phantom X, also known as Persona 5 X or P5X, is a turn-based role-playing video game developed by Black Wings Game Studio and co-developed by P-Studio. It was published by Perfect World Games. It is a …
Protagonist (Persona 5: The Phantom X)/Gallery
Illustration of Wonder by Shigenori Soejima for Persona 5 The Phantom X celebrate 2 million pre-registrations. The Protagonist with the rest of the team on the train. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise …
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Protagonist (Persona 5: The Phantom X) | Megami …
He goes by the code name Wonder. The Protagonist is the playable character of Persona 5: The Phantom X. Much like most of the protagonists in Persona, he is mostly silent, and his personality is determined by player choice.
Persona 5: The Phantom X - Wonder (P5X Protagonist) …
Aug 9, 2024 · Guide for P5X Protagonist (CN: Wonder), a real-world Phantom Thief Gacha Contract and Character in Persona 5: The Phantom X (Persona …
- Code Name: Wonder
- Real World Name: P5X Protagonist
- Confidant Effects: None
- Tier Rating: ?★
P5X-角色介绍-主人公-WONDER - 哔哩哔哩
Aug 20, 2023 · wonder本作p5x故事中的主角。 就读于私立己刮学园的高中二年级。 因为在地铁误打误撞被卷入到印象空间中,被魅影盯上的他意外觉醒了人格面具操控能力,后与路菲尔(那只猫头鹰)所救,在之后的故事中与路菲尔、新井 …
Persona 5: The Phantom X - Character List and Guides
Sep 26, 2024 · All Persona 5: The Phantom X (Persona 5: Phantom of the Night, P5X) characters, both playable and non-playable, including support and antagonist characters. This guide describes each character's persona, …
Persona 5: The Phantom X - Everything We Know
Apr 22, 2023 · Wonder enters the palace of the evil guy, and Closer secretly follows him. She gets kidnapped and then, under duress, awakens her Persona.
Characters in Persona 5: The Phantom X - TV Tropes
Wonder has the unique distinction of being the first (human) Persona-user of the Metaverse to not tear off his mask from his face when summoning his Persona for the first time, with Jánošík appearing in response to him awakening to his …
Something to note about wonder's awakening in p5x : r/PERSoNA
Wonder's awakening is different from every other persona 5 awakening, including awakenings from his own game. Unlike everyone else, wonder's mask doesn't appear on his face and then …