Wolvar - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
The wolvar are a primitive race of wolverine-like humanoids who inhabit the frozen continent of Northrend, and their tribes can be found in the Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Zul'Drak and Sholazar Basin. Despite their smaller stature, the wolvar are some of the most aggressive creatures in Northrend.
Wolvar - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
The wolvar are a primitive race of wolverine-like humanoids who inhabit the frozen continent of Northrend, and their tribes can be found in the Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Zul'Drak and Sholazar Basin.
Wolvar | World of Warcraft Wiki - Fandom
The wolvar are a primitive race of "wolverine people" that inhabit the icy continent of Northrend. They are one of the major races of the continent, and are found in most of its southern zones. Their tribes can be found in the Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, …
Frenzyheart Tribe - Faction - WotLK Classic - Wowhead
Frenzyheart Tribe are a primitive race of wolverine people, or wolvar, and a faction that inhabit the Sholazar Basin opposite of their enemies, the Oracles.
Wolvar | WoWWiki - Fandom
The wolvar are a primitive race of "wolverine people" that inhabit the icy continent of Northrend. They are one of the major races of the continent, and are found in most of its southern zones. Their tribes can be found in the Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, …
Curious Wolvar Pup - Item - WotLK Classic - Wowhead
You can pick between Oracle and Wolvar at the start of the chain, your reputation with the Sholazar factions doesn't matter. First three quests, given together: Playmates!
Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft - Wowpedia
Driven from their lands by the Scourge prior to the war against the Lich King, this fierce tribe of wolvar stumbled upon Sholazar Basin, where they intend to make their new home.
Category:Wolvar - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of …
Pages in category "Wolvar" The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
Wolvar - Fictional Races Wiki
Wolvar are a race of primitive wolverine people native to Northrend. Being one of the major races of Northrend, the wolvar have tribes scattered throughout the continent. They are commonly seen in southern regions.
Wolvar - Officialbestiary Wiki | Fandom
The wolvar are a primitive race of "wolverine people" that inhabit the icy lands of Northrend, and are one of the most aggressive creatures on the continent.