WMUG Christian Radio
OUR METHOD: WMUG is a low-power FM radio station, a special classification of radio station established by the United States government, with specific capabilities and limitations. Among those limitations is a restriction on how we present our programming.
WMUG Christian Radio
Yet all of these people are potential listeners to a good quality FM radio production that features FAMILY FRIENDLY BROADCASTING under the "Banner" of St. Matthew 5:16. And, the constant reminder will be that WMUG is WORLDWIDE MEDIA UNDER GOD radio!
WMUG Christian Radio
Daria is the President of The Christian Witness, Inc. Doug is the engineer who built WMUG-FM and now serves as our station engineer.
WMUG Christian Radio
WMUG Worldwide Media Under God. PO Box 223 Indiana, PA 15701. phone: 724-349-9684 email: [email protected]
WMUG Christian Radio
The composition of the program ‘LOG’ for WMUG-FM consists of the widest variety of Christian music, which is made possible by the fact that we are “computer generated” as compared with “satellite generated.” Satellite –generated programming is transmitted via …
WMUG Christian Radio
Their story of Faith will be on WDAD following the 8 a.m. news; and will be on WMUG-FM (and streamed on wmugradio.org) at 9 a.m. And, then their story will be replayed on WMUG-FM/wmugradio.org on Friday, May 28, at 10 a.m. and finally at 7 p.m.
WMUG Christian Radio
Music "hand picked" that will touch the heart, spirit and soul. I, as the vessel, am only watering the seed that was planted by, JD Varner, visionary planner for WMUG, as our Father provides the increase that is specific to meet your need right where you are!
WMUG Christian Radio
This is also rebroadcast on WMUG Radio on Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Listening to The Christian Witness program is like a verbal "Guideposts" -- in that people from various walks of life share their stories of how their Faith in Christ took on greater significance.
WMUG Christian Radio
We invite you to pray about what role the Lord would have you take in relationship to The Christian Witness, Inc. in sharing the Good News on WMUG-LPFM 105.1. You can mail your contribution to: The Christian Witness, Inc.
WMUG Christian Radio
And, the constant reminder will be that WMUG is WORLDWIDE MEDIA UNDER GOD radio! WE believe that ALL THINGS BELONG TO GOD...and that humankind in entrusted as stewards to work in the "vineyard" of humanity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a redemptive and relational way...using all methods of communications, including the media of radio.