Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
Jun 13, 2012 · A small corner of Winamp dedicated to the pursuit of video and computer gaming. Come and shout about your high scores, the bosses you have slayed and most of all tell us how to wrestle the controller away from Jon Ward when he's playing Puzzle Fighter
Winamp 5.9.1 Released - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
Dec 5, 2022 · I have seen an issue with the current version 5.9.1,10021. I have my music files stored on the same drive as Winamp (C:\). When starting (and ending) a session the file folder locations were striped from the file names in the winamp.m3u and winamp.m3u8 files.
Paquete de Idioma Español Oficial para Winamp 5.9
Sep 9, 2022 · Esta nueva versión incluye las traducciones de los archivos de idioma, para las versiones actualizadas de los plugins, carátulas modernas, entre otros, que han sido incluidos en la última versión de Winamp. El archivo "Winamp-es-us.wlz" ha sido probado en Winamp 5.9 RC4+ Cambios desde RC1: - Agreagado: dsp_sc.lng - Agreagado: gen_classicart.lng
New AC3/DTS plugin with SPDIF support - Winamp & Shoutcast …
Sep 19, 2006 · Just released a new version of WinampAC3 plugin with AC3 and DTS support. It is based on the latest AC3Filter sources and supports all of its features, including multichannel output, SPDIF support (even DTS->AC3 on-the-fly reencoding).
Top 20 most downloaded Modern skins - Winamp & Shoutcast …
Feb 22, 2017 · Back in time: Winamp.com top 20 Modern skins Now that it is getting slower and slower, let's go back in time when download numbers soared to millions. Although you can no longer browse skins at Winamp.com, the Wayback Machine has archived the stats for us.
PX Storage Engine - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
Oct 17, 2010 · I have a folder named PX Storage engine in C:\Program Fles\Common Files. I believe this is to do with Winamp but would appreciate confirmation and, if it is connected with Winamp can someone please tell me what it is for. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and regards, Roy
How To: Properly decode DTS/AC3 in Winamp using ffdshow
Dec 10, 2007 · 1) Install Winamp and make sure that AVI/MPG is selected under Video Playback 2) In the plugin preferences, open DirectShow Decoder (in_dshow.dll). Add AC3 and DTS to the list so that it appears "MPG;MPEG;M2V;AVI;AC3;DTS" This allows Winamp to pass the stream to the DirectShow filter. 3) Install ffdshow.
Big Bento Modern v1.1.5 (UPDATED January 2020) - Winamp
Dec 18, 2018 · Improved = Multibutton's text "Open About Winamp" changed to "Default Lightning Bolt Behaviour" to better reflect what's selected on Advanced Library Preferences. Improved = Album art on side panel and File Info section now have a better Close button.
"Complete Newbie" Guide for Installing SHOUTcast 2 - Winamp
Oct 22, 2011 · Open WinAmp Yor DSP tool may open when you open WinAmp. If not click on options>preferences>NullSoft SHOUTcast source DSP v2.2.3 dsp_sc.dll I will assume (I know it's not good to assume, but I will) that most "complete newbies" are running the server on the same machine. Because of my assumption the IP in the output tab will be
Multilingual EULA using LicenseLangString - Winamp & Shoutcast …
Nov 13, 2006 · LicenseLangString MUILicense ${LANG_ENGLISH} "C:\Documents and Settings\parthiv\Desktop\RAC\Resources\CPN-EULA.rtf"