WinUAE 6.0.0 beta series - English Amiga Board
Mar 8, 2011 · to be honest, WinUAE is great since versions 2 or 3 to play all games. The newest versions are a goldmine for us devs and also maybe for people running demos & weird hardware like AT boards, AR carts.., but WinUAE rocks since forever. (I remember installing it in 2001 on my old P3 laptop)
WinUAE 5.3.0 beta series - English Amiga Board - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · WinUAE 5.3.0 beta series support.WinUAE. Is that really new introduced in 5.3 betas? Also I don't think this has anything to do with selected display mode (except maybe if fullscreen?).
> 50 FPS in WinUAE, making all games play too fast - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · It's very strange, because it seems like this: If I load a Configuration that doesn't give the too high FPS bug, it keeps working as it should, even if I quit completely out of WinUAE in between tests. Even the same test as in OP with Quickstart > Set > Start ! Outside WinUAE, the only thing I've done is open and close Chrome.
How to configure WinUAE to use hard disk image file - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · The problem with WinUAE automatically assigning unit numbers is that existing mount files won't work if the unit numbers change. Let's say the original Amiga hard disk was SCSI ID 3. Would the user need to create three dummy hardfiles (which would be uaehf.device units 0-2), then add the actual disk image file in order for its unit number to be ...
How do I save games with WinUAE? - English Amiga Board
Mar 8, 2011 · support.WinUAE: 9: 27 December 2011 02:22: Should we have a poll for games league competitors using save state in WinUAE? Bamiga2002: EAB's competition: 7: 17 November 2007 14:04: WinUAE Save-state: misguided_fool: support.WinUAE: 3: 22 August 2007 18:28: WinUAE - Formatting blank discs for save games: RokChild: support.WinUAE: 17: 23 …
How to use LHA files (WinUAE) - English Amiga Board - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · I have the game blitz bomber in .lha format and I wish to use it with WinUAE. How exactly do I go about getting the game to run. As far as I know I will need workbench (which I don't have). I only have the kickstart version 3.1 Is there something that I am missing in order to get this game to run? Many thanks Jacko
winUAE - Is there a profiler - English Amiga Board - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · WinUAE crashes when I want to add a hard drive (WinUAE 4.9.1 64 bit / Windows 10 21H2: Madusch: support.WinUAE: 2: 12 May 2022 22:04: WinuAE + ADF-copy __ Read Real AmigaFloppy with WinUAE: Giants: support.WinUAE: 14: 02 May 2019 12:17: C profiler Aprof or other: arti: Coders. C/C++: 8: 10 March 2018 22:15: Recently changed WinUAE folder, now ...
F12 not working - English Amiga Board - abime.net
Mar 8, 2011 · They both are mapped in the WINUAE keyboard and are working fine. The F12 key is not mapped at all because it works native as F12 (PC). But there is something that doesn´t make it work in my amiga games and I don´t exactly know where the informations will be safed or what I have to change.
WinUAE: Button Shortcut way to "SaveState"? - English Amiga Board
Mar 8, 2011 · I use WinUAE on my Win 10 computer. Whenever I play games and want to create a "SaveState" I have to hit the F10 key, go to Misc tab, hit the "SaveState" button, enter a name for the "SaveState" file, then save. I am usually using a …
UAE. Not enough memory or rom paths not found - English …
Aug 12, 2013 · Using WinUae is terrific for me. I'm using A 1200 since 20years and any problems. Never and never. Using WinUAE and problems are raining hard. Murakami is a French developer offering about 2000 games made for WHDLoad. Using WHD Load on A 1200 and all games works perfectly. Using WHDLoad with WinUEA any game works. I tryed only 5. Not 2000.