Westchester Independent Living Center, Inc.
It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of our dear colleague, Ellen Cooley. Ellen was a valued member of the WILC team, dedicating her time to supporting people with disabilities—a mission she found truly fulfilling.
About Us - WILC
Margaret Nunziato, Executive Director. The Westchester Independent Living Center (WILC) is a peer-driven, community-based organization that empowers people with disabilities to lead self-directed lives in the community through advocacy, training and referral to resources that promote independent living.
Resource Directory – Westchester Independent Living Center, INC.
Westchester Independent Living Center 10 County Center Road 2nd floor White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 682-3926 (Voice) 914-259-8036 (VP) (914) 682-8518 (FAX)
Programs - WILC
One of the original Independent Living Centers in New York State, WILC first opened its doors in 1981. WILC has a long history of providing services designed by, directed by, and, in most cases, delivered by qualified individuals with a wide range of disabilities.
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion - WILC
Transition/diversion of long term care residents to the community Contact Meghan Maldonado for NHTD RRDC information in the lower Hudson Valley (Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, Putnam, Dutchess, Ulster) at [email protected] or call 845-228-7457 ext. 1130 (voice), 914-259-8036 (VP).. For the New York City NHTD Waiver Program call 718-816-3555 for Bronx and Staten Island, call 914-685 ...
Traumatic Brain Injury Regional Resource Development Center
Supports transition from care facility to community living Contact Meghan Maldonado for TBI RRDC information in the lower Hudson Valley (Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, Putnam, Dutchess, Ulster) at [email protected] or call 845-228-7457 ext. 1130 (voice), 914-259-8036 (VP).. For the New York City TBI Waiver Program call 718-816-3555 for Bronx and Staten Island, call 914-685-5045 for ...
NY Connects, No Wrong Door - WILC
Person centered approach to community based services and supports Contact Aimee Parks, Program Manager for NY Connects, No Wrong Door, at [email protected], or toll free 866-715-4700 (phone), 914-259-8036 (VP).. NY Connects can work with anyone who needs information, assistance or to explore their options regarding long term services and supports – children or adults with disabilities, older ...
Disability and Poverty: Breaking the Cycle Through Advocacy and …
January is Poverty Awareness Month, an important opportunity to spotlight the often-overlooked intersection of poverty and disability. For individuals with disabilities, the cycle of poverty is a dual challenge—both a cause and a consequence of systemic exclusion, limited resources, and barriers to education and employment.
WILC Department Managers
(914) 682-3926 (Voice) 914-259-8036 (VP) (914) 682-8518 (FAX) Margaret Nunziato, Executive Director (845) 228-7457 Extension 1112 [email protected]
Transition Services
Mar 23, 2018 · Westchester Independent Living Center 10 County Center Road 2nd floor White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 682-3926 (Voice) 914-259-8036 (VP) (914) 682-8518 (FAX)