etymology - what are the origins of hi, hey, hello? - English …
Aug 14, 2014 · Hello, formerly an Americanism, is now nearly as common as hullo in Britain (Say who you are; do not just say 'hello' is the warning given in our telephone directories) and the Englishman cannot be expected to give up the right to say hello if he likes it better than his native hullo. [H.W. Fowler, "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage," 1926]
How did Americans greet each other before "Hi"?
Sep 10, 2011 · This supports that the usage of "how do you do" precedes the year in which Americans started greeting with "hi" according to etymonline.com (1862). Similar searches in the COHA for "how do ye do" and "howdy" support that also their usage was prior to when "hi" started being used as a greeting.
Origin of "Why, hello there" [duplicate] - English Language
1599 Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet ɪᴠ. iv. 29 Mistris, what mistris, Iuliet‥Why Lambe, why Lady, fie you sluggabed, Why Loue I say‥why Bride. 1600 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice ɪɪ. v. 6 What Iessica.‥ Why Iessica I say. 1600 Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 ᴠ. i. …
Why do people use all 3 components in their gender pronouns?
Feb 2, 2020 · So that sort of set of 3 forms is what people display (those people who do that sort of thing), so that's what people see, so with positive feedback that's what's become popular. Why those badges/T-shirts are made like that, I don't know -- that's a different question.
Why do we say "shame on you"? - English Language & Usage …
Oct 1, 2015 · Since 'ashamed' is also a personal emotional state, we can also say we 'feel ashamed', which is to express the personal self-consciousness with respect to others, and equivalently we feel respect for people or we feel respected by them. Casting shame is quite visual; perhaps the evocation of throwing mud or eggs is congruent to the use of the verb.
Why is it "ladies and gentlemen" instead of "gentlemen and ladies"?
Jan 2, 2024 · Say them both out loud and see which one sounds better to you, intuitively. The metrical pattern of "ladies and gentlemen" consists of (arguably) two dactyls. A dactyl is a group of three syllables where the first is stressed and the second two are unstressed.
Why do we say “gimme five?” - English Language & Usage Stack …
Why do we say “gimme five?” Because there are five fingers on the hand, being placed against the speaker’s open hand as in an act of giving. Same reason a slang synonym is “gimme some skin.” This book claims the basic greeting came from West Africa. This article notes the similarity of the gesture to some Egyptian iconography:
letter writing - Difference between using Hi and Hey? - English ...
Jun 20, 2014 · Hi is the standard greeting for office e-mails. If you're not sure, stick with Hi. Hi Dan, Thanks for the information on [foo]. Do you know whether item 10 is for all customers or just Y? I'll get back to you on [question] when I've had more time to look at the data. Regards, George. You could also use Hi for friends. Conversation
Why do Americans say ‘tuna fish’? - English Language & Usage …
Apr 6, 2011 · So, you can't ever just say cat, lion, ... the without fish to mean that. It's not that fish provides extra (redundant) clarification, it is tuna that modifies fish . There are contexts where you are talking about fish and want to mention a certain type, say, tuna -- here, the adjective is a contextual addition, not the subject per se.
Why in a phone call we use "this is" instead of "I am"?
Why is the right form . Hello, this is yzT from english.stackechange.com. instead of . Hello, I’m yzT from english.stackexchange.com. I guess non-natives tend to use the latter due to literal translation, but why do natives use the former? You are identifying yourself, telling who you are; that’s why I don’t understand why the latter is ...