What is the difference between "weeb", "weeaboo", and "otaku"?
Feb 24, 2021 · I would like to know why people would like being called a weeb instead of an otaku and why there is so much drama about "weeb", "weeaboo", and "otaku".
Does "weaboo" mean "someone who watches too much anime"?
The impression I've gotten is that the term is used more for non-Japanese (or possibly non-East Asians, to some degree) who are sufficiently old and invested into non-"mainstream" titles. (e.g. I somehow doubt someone would describe a primary school student in East Asia obsessed with the Pretty Cure / etc. franchise as a weaboo.) –
Is the term Otaku derogatory? - Anime & Manga Stack Exchange
Jun 12, 2015 · Both are very similar, but this one has the context of "Western culture uses the term Otaku to mean 'Anime or Manga Oktau" and contrasts that to the general use of "Otaku" in Japan for a multitude of interests.
What's the origin of spiral glasses as a Japanese stereotype?
I've noticed - and indubitably, others have, too, as noted on this TV Tropes page - that often, whenever a "nerdy" character wears glasses in anime, they have a spiral shape on them.