Wayfair now has preapproval for store card? - myFICO® Forums
Aug 15, 2019 · I've been thinking about a Wayfair account so when I saw the pre-approval I was interested. Followed the link and the application does indicate it 'will not impact score'. But what they don't tell you is that if you're not approved they send you to their partnering company, Fortiva Credit (never heard of them) for a potential Line of Credit and ...
Genesis credit and Wayfair - How do I use this?! - myFICO® Forums
Nov 20, 2019 · When I was checking out at Wayfair a few nights ago, I decided to just give the SP a shot and see if I would be approved for anything. I was, Genesis Credit for 2500.00. I ended up not completeing my purchase because I got gun shy on the couch I chose, and took a cooling off period. I went back to c...
wayfair credit card.. any thoughts on score needed or CB used
Feb 26, 2019 · Wayfair is a Comenity card, how do your scores look? Comenity seems to approve most often in the mid-600s and up. Sometimes lower, sometimes higher (actual credit cards as opposed to store cards require higher scores). The Wayfair card is a store credit card so it should be easier to get. If you want to check for preapproval, look up the SCT here.
Back in with citi , wayfair mastercard approved - myFICO® Forums
Apr 27, 2023 · Back in with citi finally, wayfair mastercard approved, 3500 sl. Low limit ,but I'm grateful they let me back in. I burned them 2014 for around 7000. I did not file bankruptcy. They pulled equifax only. Score 811 at time of app. Lost 4 points to 807
Wayfair MasterCard CLI - myFICO® Forums - 6513614
Apr 1, 2022 · DH clicked CLI online and went from $4000 to $5000 but it ended up being a HP :( - 6513614
How reliable is Wayfair pre-approval - myFICO® Forums
Apr 24, 2020 · I went to Wayfair and used the SCT and at the check out it said I am pre-approved for Wayfair credit card. I did not pull the trigger. How reliable is their pre-approval. I know pre-approval does not mean a guaranteed approval but I am curious what are the chances of approval and does being a custom...
Wayfair Business Revolving Card No PG APPROVED!
Mar 23, 2023 · Hi everyone! Last night I stumbled across the Wayfair Professional website and decided to register for an account. When I was completing the payment section of the account info there was a link to professional financing which took me to a page with a revolving credit card and a Net60 option backe...
Buying on Wayfair - Credit offer from Genesis - myFICO® Forums
Apr 27, 2020 · I was buying a faucet that was showing from another company but it was still on the Wayfair site ( had not seen it before because it was offering other finance options... it runs it for Affirm, some other and Genesis. I came back declined for the first 2 and pre-approved to Genesis (the worst one I suppose) No 0%. $3,000 offer.
Citi Wayfair CLI - myFICO® Forums - 6267469
Well shoot, this is not what I expected. I opened a new Citi Wayfair CC around 11/20 for $3K. My original card closed under Comenity Bank like everyone else. (never used it.). I decided to try the CLI button thinking it would be a soft pull. NOPE. I was …
Wayfair approval? - myFICO® Forums - 5188923
Mar 12, 2018 · I appd for the wayfair card on Sunday. This morning I had an alert that EQ was pulled. When I appd I had the 7-10 day message. I called wayfair this evening and was told they would not pull EQ if I wasn't approved and they would follow up via mail very soon. Anyone else experience this?