American Coot Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of …
The waterborne American Coot is one good reminder that not everything that floats is a duck. A close look at a coot—that small head, those scrawny legs—reveals a different kind of bird …
Coot - Wikipedia
Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the rail family, Rallidae. They constitute the genus Fulica, the name being the Latin term for "coot". Coots have predominantly black …
American Coot | Audubon Field Guide
Coots are tough, adaptable waterbirds. Although they are related to the secretive rails, they swim in the open like ducks and walk about on shore, making themselves at home on golf courses …
American coot - Wikipedia
American coots are found near water reed-ringed lakes and ponds, open marshes, and sluggish rivers. They prefer freshwater environments but may temporarily live in saltwater environments …
Better Know a Bird: The American Coot and Its Wonderfully Weird Feet
Aug 13, 2018 · With a duck-ish head, a body shaped like a chicken, and a pointy beak to match, the American Coot looks like the most impractical mash-up of birds—and that’s just in the …
Coot | Moorhen, Waterfowl & Wading Bird | Britannica
coot, any of ten species of ducklike water-dwelling birds of the genus Fulica in the rail family, Rallidae. Coots are found throughout the world in larger inland waters and streams, where …
American Coot - ID, Facts, Diet, Habit & More | Birdzilla
Feb 22, 2023 · The American Coot is an odd, dark, duck-like bird that breeds in lakes, ponds, freshwater marshes, and other wetlands from the Great Lakes region to central and western …
American Coot - eBird
Plump, chicken-like bird that acts like a duck. Gray overall with blacker head and white bill. Tiny tail and short wings. Feet are large, yellow-green, and oddly lobed. Head jerks back and forth …
American Coot - Avianbird
May 29, 2023 · The American coot, also known as the mud hen or water hen, is a common bird species found across North America. With its distinct black plumage and white bill, the …
3 Types of Coots (Fulica) seen in North America - North American Coots …
The coots prefer shallow waters for their feeding areas. They are commonly seen throughout the North American continent, in lagoons, small ponds and man-made canals.
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