WALC: Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (walc 7)
Jan 1, 2006 · WALC: Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (walc 7) [Tonya Kreke Peters Laurie Bounds Keck] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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1. You want to eat Thanksgiving dinner at 4:00 p.m. What time should the turkey be put into the oven to make sure that it will be done in time?
StudentNursingHQ : WALC 7: Workbook of Activities for …
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition. Ages: 16-Adult. Grades: 11-Adult. Math, language, and reasoning come together in this collection of functional lessons. The illustrations and activities replicate real-life skills. Comprehension questions guide your teaching. Sign up here to receive special offers and promotions from us.
WALC 7 Everyday Math - AliMed
These 150 ready-to-use activities for math teach the functional skills adults need for independence. Many of the tasks can be used to address co-existing deficits in reading comprehension, reasoning, organization, and problem solving.
WALC 7 Everyday Math BK Laurie Bounds Keck - PRO-ED Inc
WALC 7 Everyday Math Ages: 16-AdultsGrades: 11-Adult Math, language, and reasoning come together in this collection of functional lessons. The illustrations and activities replicate real-life skills. Comprehension questions guid...
WALC 7 everyday math : workbook of activities for language and ...
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Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) 7
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC 7: Everyday Math brings together math, language, and reasoning in this collection of functional lessons. FREE SHIPPING on online orders over $35!
Campus Store : WALC 7: Workbook of Activities for Language and ...
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition. Ages: 16-Adult. Grades: 11-Adult. Math, language, and reasoning come together in this collection of functional lessons. The illustrations and activities replicate real-life skills. Comprehension questions guide your teaching.
WALC 7 Everyday Math E-Book - PRO-ED Inc
These 150 ready-to-use activities for math teach the functional skills adults need for independence. Many of the tasks can be used to address co-existing deficits in reading comprehension, reasoning, organization, and problem solving.
- [PDF]
walc 7.qxp
Unfortunately,a therapy manual with functional numerical activities covering a wide variety of topics,skill levels,and abilities was not available. This led us to develop WALC 7. Our ideas have been used with adults of all ages,educational experiences,and cultural backgrounds.